Tallest pepper plants?

Years ago I read about a lady in California that had the Guiness record for the tallest pepper plant with a 2nd year, 16ft piquin. I just wondered if anyone has grown or heard of any really tall plants? I know Jukka(Fatalii.net) has grown some huge ones in his greenhouse, and a few members here I remember having some biggies.
I usually try to keep my plants short and stalky but I was thinking of trying to grow one plant super tall next season so I'll probably try a piquin or maybe a tree hab unless someone has a better suggestion.
16ft is nearly 5m, yeah? Aye Currumba! Tallest I've seen was a 2m (approx) tall Pequin at a local nursery/garden type thingy... just growing in the ground like nobodies business. I also spotted, what looked to be, a 1-1.5m tall Black Pearl.
A 2+ meter hab counts?
Chinenses will grow REALLY tall if you give 'em enough time. Pubescens are scary growers... FAST GROWERS... tepins are good too.
I decided to grow a few pequins this year and I'll try to encourage one to grow tall and the other to grow bushy. We'll see what happens, it should be interesting.
Nutriculture, who are the manufacturer of my nft system, have a world record for a Tomato plant in an EBB and Flood system. 92feet!!!
Years ago I read about a lady in California that had the Guiness record for the tallest pepper plant with a 2nd year, 16ft piquin. I just wondered if anyone has grown or heard of any really tall plants? I know Jukka(Fatalii.net) has grown some huge ones in his greenhouse, and a few members here I remember having some biggies.
I usually try to keep my plants short and stalky but I was thinking of trying to grow one plant super tall next season so I'll probably try a piquin or maybe a tree hab unless someone has a better suggestion.
Large Orange Thai!