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flavor Tamarind hot sauces??? any recipes out there?

I made a not hot at all tamarind sauce for a recipe I was making a couple of weeks ago and it was really good. A little strong on the cumin (did I actually type too much cumin? that should be a crime.) but overall very good and I liked the tamarind tart flavor. Today I found the leftover sauce in the fridge and decided to spice it up so I mixed it 2 parts tamarind to 1 part "The Ghost" sauce and used it as a dipping sauce for some taquitos. Great flavor still but now it was very hot, but the bitter of the tamarind lasts longer than the burn. Good combination.

This experiment has peaked my curiosity on a tamarind based hot sauce. Has anyone done this before? There is very few sauces that use tamarind, but there are some notable exceptions like Worcestershire.

Here is the recipe I used for the tamarind sauce. When I make it again, I'll cut the cumin a bit but overall I liked it. http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/tangy-tamarind-sauce-10000000665511/
La Anita has a commercial tamarind hot sauce. Their www lists some ingredients.
