Taste Testers FOUND, Round 2-

Well, that's the idea- :flamethrower:

Paypal requests being sent tonight, those confirmed by mid-day tomorrow will have packages in the mail tomorrow. They seem to be arriving in2-4 days. Might be a day or so longer with the holiday crush.

Thanks again, everyone!
I missed this one too?? Its ok. Love, love message from scovie. Too freaking funny!!! Good job SL. Scov you gotta try it again and call and leave SL another message :)
Hmmmmmm, Megan.....you're the inspiration-

I completely forget about this all the time, because I never use it.....BUT!.......

If anyone doesn't want to do a video, but they'd like to leave a message.....we do have a 1-800 number~~~~~~
NOT 1-900- (don't even think about it, THP...:lol: )

I'll include it with the questionaire.
Patiently awaiting my package. :D :D :D Now I just gotta figure out what I am going to cook with it. I have been thinking about making some pickled eggs, I wonder what a couple drops of this would do to the batch...
ok when my 15yr old went on uvoo(spelling?) it overrode and killed my mic. I have yet to completely wipe and reset my computer to regain it, I may do a video of me trying it while calling you so you can get the audio. Lol.
:lol: thanks guys! You are the best!

All but 1 package sent out today USPS first class mail. I didn't catch all the info as the post office computer screen was printing estimated delivery dates. But I saw Pensyltuckissippianahoma had an estimated delivery date for Saturday.

I'll be back on in the morning.

:lol: thanks guys! You are the best!

All but 1 package sent out today USPS first class mail. I didn't catch all the info as the post office computer screen was printing estimated delivery dates. But I saw Pensyltuckissippianahoma had an estimated delivery date for Saturday.

I'll be back on in the morning.


Woohoo! I'm making peanut butter fudge for Christmas. Was going to use Judy's Dragon Breath Powder to spice it up, but since I'm going to be testing your Pure Evil, I think I might use that instead.

Of course I'll be using it in other things as well. May have to do a tongue test too! :mouthonfire:
Just showed up. That was quick...time to burn. :flamethrower:


First test. 2 large drops on a teaspoon.

The burn started in 5-6 seconds. Focusing on the right center of my tongue and back of the throat, at a constant level.

Mouth and throat burn lasted for about 11 minutes, leaving my tongue partially numb for another 5 minutes. Comparable to 1.5m shu extract with a shorter burn time(likely due to the oily properties of traditional extracts) , without stomach pain.

Amazing stuff so far.10 drop Ramen test tonight ;)

Hey Ann. Not sure if the batch I got from you at Scovie's house was the first generation, but I love it! You definitely succeeded in making a food additive that is completely tasteless (and you know I mean that as a compliment :halo: ). I put 6 drops in a very cold Kokanee and it gave it some spice without altering the taste. Pure Evil...the ultimate stocking stuffer.
oh man oh man oh man :woohoo: I got mine today to cant wait looks like i need to find the video camera right fast. it looks like another hot night for my :fireball:

ok Red beans and rice with smoked sauage: 3 drops not hot, 10 drops OK, 15 drops good heat 20 drops Really good heat but no sweat yet, 27 drops (with the rest of the bowl) and 3 min. later Yes its hot umm really hot. :flamethrower:
Did you shake it up before using, bearmy?

I just tested it for a second time now that it's been sitting for a few hours, and it wasn't nearly as hot. (without shaking).

Good videos ;)

Got mine in the mail today. :woohoo:

Okay couldn't help myself and just had to try a drop on the tongue. First thing I noticed was that it was virtually tasteless (a huge plus). As b2bs said, it takes about 5-6 seconds for the burn to show up. Once it starts it builds for about 5 minutes before plateauing. It concentrated mainly on the tongue, but there was a slight burning of the lips and in the back of the throat when first swallowed. It has now been ~10 minutes total and I still have a slight burning in my mouth. At its hottest I would rate it a 7. It was hot enough in the area where I dropped it on my tongue to cause it to go slightly numb.

What I really like, and as others have pointed out in the first batch, you get the endorphin rush without the intolerable pain. It's quite nice.

So that rating of a 7 was with just 1 drop (pretty impressive). I'm going to let the burn totally subside and try 2 drops on the tongue to test that. I'll report back in a bit.