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Taste testing sauce :)

I was making a Hab sauce last night just couldn't get the flavor correct after taste testing so many times I finally gave up at the end of the night I couldn't taste anything and today my voice is horse lol I put it in the fridge and will give it another taste today-  How on earth do you taste test the super hot sauces and actually taste the flavor after a few times?
     I always like to taste test superhots and habs by topping crackers with goat cheese (or cream cheese) and pepper slices. The cheese tames the heat a lot but I'm still able to appreciate the flavors of all the peppers. 
     My friends and I always get together for a camping/drinking trip over Labor Day and it has become tradition for me to bring a grocery bag full of peppers to give to everybody. I always bring Triscuits or Stoned Wheat Thins and some goat cheese and none of my non-chilehead friends have any trouble eating and enjoying everything from a Caribbean Red to a Carolina Reaper.
haha....I have the same issue.  When trying to flavor a sauce, I can't taste where it's going after about three samples on a cracker.  I don't have a trick up my sleeve except to walk away and come back to it after the heat has subsided.