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Tasty pods or just heat heat heat!?

Howdy all. Something I've been thinking of these days is the reason why people enjoy particular varieties? I can really enjoy something that is hotter than Ninja grade tear gas but if it tastes like Ninja grade riot mace. . . then no thank you. Over the years I've had a lot of suggestions for both tasty and fiery pods. How 'bout some more?

I realize this is a matter of personal preference, so I won't be offended by any of your Ninja riot mace craving chileheads out there. Your task is to describe the flavor of your favorite pod and what you like about it.
gotta be yellow 7pod with that pineapple thing going. and chocolate bhut , i cant find the words to describe chocolate bhut but it's great.
my favorite taste is the 7 Pot...the citrusy taste and aroma of the pepper itself are incredible...and as I have said before...if you have not had a 7 Pot bloody mary, you don't know what you are missing...plus I like the little delay in the burn it gives...
I absolutely love roasted Numex/Anaheim type peppers, usually red but I've learned to appreciate green too. Red and green both have there own unique fruity/earthy flavors and are good on just about anything. I hope to have a field full of them next year, both milder types and hotter varieties :)
Great bloody question mate.
Im not a fan of chillies that have a capsicum (Bell pepper) taste.
Enter the Habs, They are for me.
Im currently useing a T Scorp dried cape and that is very fruity IMO,, Very hot but very flavourful.
I cannot eat a whole super hot like some of the nutters on this forum, But as a cooky, I go for pure flavour over silly heat anyday!
To me it is the flavour and not the heat kick that is served up to the peeps that makes the dish.
Ive been thinking along the same lines as your question for some time. It is our hot season in Australia and I have a few supers in the ground.
I hope I can add more to this once the new supers are up and producing.
If they are just silly hot and no flavour, Then I will pull them out and try another type.
@Smokey Mick - Ironically, I'm not a big fan of the taste of orange habs. but chocolates are acceptable in my book. I'm yet to try a Trinidad Scorpion (and I'm a little afraid to...) but I've heard good things. My personal all-around favorite is Fresno which really isn't all that hot (about the same level as jalapeno). I love my chiltepins for the nice sting and unique flavor they offer.

I've very excited to try a raw Bhut. The only experience I've had with them is as an ingredient with other flavors and have not experienced them in their pure form. I've heard good things...but am a little afraid.

Keep those replies coming!!!
Serrano is a winner, so sweet and juicy. I like the Jonah but too hot for just munching on. I like the Yellow7 and Fatalii too.
I also really like the Fatalii, ive given lots of Chillies away this year Red Sevens, Bhut Jolokia and Fatalii and it is always the Fatalii i get asked for when people want more.
fatali for the heat mixed with nice citrusy flavor and harold's st. barts for the nice heat and smoky flavor
tastiness first. heat second.

if we're all after just heat, then we might as well go for extracts. which is a no-no in my book. =D
As far as the super hot's, I really liked the 7 Pot Jonah that I grew last year. The Bhut's were pretty good as well. I taste sample all the super hots just to get a sense of the heat and flavor. The size of the test is never more than a piece about the size of my thumbnail. Even then, they are hotter than hell. I am not a masochist,

If I was force have to choose only two varieties for taste and heat it would be Anaheim for taste and Serrano for mild heat.

Ditto on the extract, who the hell uses that crap!!
Not to doubt you Derek, but with all of the awesome flavors out there and all the superhots, using extract just feels like blasphemy to me. I've tried a bunch of "good" sauces that use extract and it all tastes like drain-o (with similar stomach effects later) to me. :fireball:
But have you tried Defcon's sauces? He makes his own extract and its one of very few that doesn't taste metallic or give you stomach aches. Theres a few others out there too I can't think of right now