• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tay's Glog 2013: Electric Boogaloo

Love the site and glogs here! bout time I created my own. Guess I'm starting this blog out on the left foot, since I'm kicking off with pics of my plants yet to meet real terra firma. Only 4 peppers, 2 maters, and a gaggle of cucs in the ground anyways. This will change in the next couple days.

Here's my potted hab I plan on OW. Putting out massive amounts of buds and branches, despite losing almost half it's stem and foliage to my inexperience and wind.

Base and stems:

First fruit I've seen, on a cherry mater plant:

Rest of the plants that need transplanting:

Pablanos putting out flowers despite stature. Just going with it.
I guess I really should have waited til next year since only 3 of my plants are hotter than a jalapeño, but the community got me so excited I couldn't help it. Here's the cubanelle with some weird fused ultra purple stem due to, what I can only assume is, rain and wind.
Here's the hab. A little droopy from spraying but looks ok otherwise I suppose, despite its ailments.

This Pablano is pumpin up a pepper quick despite its size.

Here's what I believe to be a Tabasco judging from the label. It's listed as chili red for what I can only assume are trademark reasons. One of the few Annums to resist bending or turned leaves in last nights storm.

This one and the last are a little droopy from rain. This is the Carmen, it easily grows an inch on each branch a day.

And here's kindness incarnate via Jaime. Kind with bumps, kind with seeds. Dude gave me the seeds to make my next season awesome and the ability to give so much back to the community glog wise and seed wise next year. He even took the time to label relative heat. real awesome dude. I can't wait to grow some real superhots!
Well guess I won't be updating for a while. Headed into a two week stretch of on and off severe thunderstorms. First day in and some plants are looking pretty beat up so I'm not looking forward to this.
So all but a couple plants are holdin up well, and no damage that they can't recover from. So I'm happy so far.

Only a short deluge today so I went out and saw this. Anybody know what might be eating these leaves? It seemed to target the ones between 2 and 12 inches off the ground so I'm guessing a rabbit or groundhog. Especially since my fence hasn't been electrified for all the rain.


I don't think it's bugs cuz it was all in the same area and you can see it look like it took off whole young branches in one chomp.
Thanks god whatever it is didn't find my cucs. I was gonna let em plump up some more but I think I might wanna just snag em now.
I checked the weather back at the house just now and we've got 2.2" of rain in 6 days and wind cranked up with gust to 42 mph earlier with one of the storms rolling through. Glad I got everything staked before I left, and good that yours are all wrapped up in the cages. Hope all fairs well for you.
That's the thing, I usually see either rabbits or groundhogs ambling about each year or two. But none this year. Hopefully I didn't attract some new neighbors!
And no droppings, so ill keep my eyes peeled for fat balls of fur and ankle breakers.
Hey Tay!
Did some time in Mannasas back in late '86-88, Bull Run was right across the street in the neighbors back yard. Dang if that yard wasn't just all red clay!
Good luck on your grow this year! And next year from what I see, Mr. Pain, or Captain Pain..AKA Jamie already loaded you up!
Yeah man, nothing but clay, shale (which might help drainage ideally), and quartz in my yard! I'm glad for the iron and other minerals but drainage leaves a bit to be desired. All this rain has me worried about root rot. It's shaping up to be one wet summer.

And yeah, generousity from THPers is going to make my next season kickass! I have some on the way from Rick too. again massive thanks to both of you guys! And I imagine the weather will have to be better than this, my first, season lol. can't wait to have some seeds to give this year and next.
Well nothing but sun so far today so I'm happy. Thankful the forecast was wrong. Gave the plants a chance to transpire off some extra moisture. They were "sweating" or literally wet to the touch with no outside moisture present.

I also saw a bunch of metallic gold flies I was worried about. After some research turns out they are long legged flies that feed on aphids, thrips, mites, and more. So I'm euphoric about that too.

Couldn't get a pic of one when I went back out with my camera so here's a shot of the garden looking nice and jungle like. The cherry tomatoes that grew way over their cages got bent down almost 90 degrees by wind, but new vertical shoots that would have been side branches are already replacing them. So seems almost beneficial as they will be bushier. Plants are amazing!
Looks real healthy there!
Clay soil can be worked with. I worked some clay/iron ore soil years ago, kept adding leaves and manure. In 4 years it was better than the sand based stuff I have here, and I've been working this place almost 25 years (off and on).
Thanks man!

Yeah if id have to guess I'd say its great (all dem minerals) except for compaction, drainage, and hard for roots to grow through.
Gracias man. Don't you and I know it cowboy! I'm just glad for one day's reprieve from the near constant wind and rain. I think we'll pull out alright. I should stake my smaller plants, but yesterday didn't knock em over and this beer ain't gonna drink itself!

I have a problem, I know :( lol