• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Tay's Glog 2013: Electric Boogaloo

Love the site and glogs here! bout time I created my own. Guess I'm starting this blog out on the left foot, since I'm kicking off with pics of my plants yet to meet real terra firma. Only 4 peppers, 2 maters, and a gaggle of cucs in the ground anyways. This will change in the next couple days.

Here's my potted hab I plan on OW. Putting out massive amounts of buds and branches, despite losing almost half it's stem and foliage to my inexperience and wind.

Base and stems:

First fruit I've seen, on a cherry mater plant:

Rest of the plants that need transplanting:

Pablanos putting out flowers despite stature. Just going with it.
Sorry to hear about your problems with critters Tay. I hope the Hab manages to produce for you this season at least. I'd recommend an early start next year, so your plants are mature enough to handle mild infestations... that'll give you a little cushion time to prepare a defense. Cheers!
Pests are a problem, every year there seems to be a different one dominating the gardens. Two years ago here it was the mealy bugs, last year most folks suffered with white flies due to the mild winter. This year are  the broadmites, at least around here...they're all beatable and the plants will recover if the length of the growing season allows it. I remember back in the 80's when "Earwigs" 1st became a real nuisance around here. Not a lot of  folks new what they were (well my mom being from England new, they had them there). The bugs were getting into the silk in the farmers corn husks, invading local garden crops, they even showed on the local news earwigs on the outside window of a 60 story building........... :eek: Like I said, next yr could be something else.
Maybe an investation of Ladybugs to twart off all the other pests...
stickman said:
Sorry to hear about your problems with critters Tay. I hope the Hab manages to produce for you this season at least. I'd recommend an early start next year, so your plants are mature enough to handle mild infestations... that'll give you a little cushion time to prepare a defense. Cheers!
Yeah I'm starting in January to ensure I have some alpha tier plants ready to go. And hoping the last frost date will be the standard April 15th instead of may 25th like this year.
PIC 1 said:
Pests are a problem, every year there seems to be a different one dominating the gardens. Two years ago here it was the mealy bugs, last year most folks suffered with white flies due to the mild winter. This year are  the broadmites, at least around here...they're all beatable and the plants will recover if the length of the growing season allows it. I remember back in the 80's when "Earwigs" 1st became a real nuisance around here. Not a lot of  folks new what they were (well my mom being from England new, they had them there). The bugs were getting into the silk in the farmers corn husks, invading local garden crops, they even showed on the local news earwigs on the outside window of a 60 story building........... :eek: Like I said, next yr could be something else.
Maybe an investation of Ladybugs to twart off all the other pests...
Yeah man, you're right! if its not one thing it's another. I was just drunk and pissed off when I made that post. Thanks for stopping by!
Made some cucumber kimchi based somewhat off of stickdudes recipe.


Had to modify it because I used the biggest cucs and the seeds were ridiculous. Will definitely grow seedless next year. Thanks for the suggestion man! It turned out killer if not a little overly spicy for my friends lol.

Here's the culprit behind the extra heat. They're like mild habs so not excessive, but I get so many I don't even know what to do with them so I put a bunch in. Small but pack a punch, great for seasoning. Here's the past two days harvest.

I think I have too much nitrogen, but the smaller peppers and tomatoes don't seem to mind. They've been producing and ripening like mad.

And just for schnitzels and giggles heres my panthers. They usually torment each other but decided to sleep alongside each other just as I wanted to get up, twisting my arm emotionally. I ended up there 2 hours like the sap I am.

Try to ignore the beer gut, like that's f**king possible. Damn I need to reboot my cardio program haha.
Lovin' the pics of the little Thai chiles Tay, and glad you liked the Cucumber kimchi! Hopefully you get some more harvests in before Hurricane season sets in next month.
Found these little bitches Effing on my peppers. I probably shouldn't worry about a couple, and I managed to squish one but I think it was the smaller male.


Back to more important matters:
Thanks for the viewage guys! Been busy for quite a bit. Found this a week ago. All this pics are a little old.


Hornworm egg. Tried to crush it but dropped it like a dip. But I've got enough ants around I'm sure it got eaten on the ground. They attract some aphids but I haven't wanted to spray since eradicating the thrips I seem to have a healthy balance going again. Lotsa spiders and pollinators. Haven't seen nearly as many damn marmorated stinkbugs.

Ps does anyone know what that defiency is? Thick, clay, acidic, water retentive soil might be the cause with this super wet season. But otherwise my guess is Mg. I put eggshells down to repel slugs early in the season, and the soil is red so I doubt this is Fe or Ca. Moderately leached ultisol, but decently amended.

Here's the worst interveinal chlorosis, the wrinkling does suggest Ca tho so I just don't know. It might just be the clay and 5 days of rain a week all season. Overwatering I can't stop.


Here's one of my buddies. The spiders were the first back after the sprays (spinosad, pyrethrin, and neem one application each for three weekends respectively. I'm not trying to start any local organic pesticide resistances). Other beneficials showed up soon after, pest pressure is greatly reduced.

Badass looking spider there.  Even the shadow on the leaf is cool. I'll be flying home from work tomorrow to see what the garden looks like after 2 weeks of being left to do whatever ma nature decides.  The weather is looking good till later in the week.
Yes he's far out haha. Hope Mother Nature treated your plants well!

Some of my ugly arse heirloom maters lol

Luckily they taste much better than they look on the exterior. Very meaty and few seeds, great taste too.
Orange hab that I left for dead a month back is throwing out flowers and proto pods like crazy. I hope it's got enough time to ripen some up, gonna pull it in for the nights once they get cold. My only container pepper and my hottest /shame.
Good on ya Tay... for a 10x10 plot that's a great harvest for this time of year. It looks like Ma Nature may be pulling the plug on our season here pretty soon but I've got enough to tide me over the winter and into early summer, so no worries.
Sorry guys, been neglecting my blog and yours terribly with all I've had going recently. I'll be better next year promise!

But figured I'd get this harvest posted since it will probably be the last big one:

I'll try to catch up on all y'all's blogs tomorrow!
Edit: sans pineapple obviously, that's from the grocer lol
+1 on 76!
Did this with a 10x10 garden?
Great start! I see more land being used next year!
I lived in Manassas many moons ago, not to far from where you're at, had red clay for soil. I could have easily amended it, and the seasons are great for gardens. I just couldn't handle suburban life there, neighbors drove me nuts, had to get back to Tejas open country. But is mas hot here!
Have a great week!