• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TBG's First Chilli Blitz! (2017-18)

G'day G'day!
Welcome to my very first glog, I hope you like it: ;)
This is my first time growing peppers seriously. Last season was my first; I grew 3 Jalapenos, 3 Habaneros,  a Naga Viper, Thai Hot, Cap Mushroom Red and an Ebony Fire, all bought from the store at various maturities.
And then I found TheHotPepper around March this year, and if my grow last year sparked my interest, THP nuked it! I've been super keen for this season, and now its started!
I started a few seeds of Aji Amarillo for the SHGDTD on the 22nd June, and currently have 2 seedlings, awaiting the third and final to pop.
This year, I'm thinking that I'm attempting to kinda try to limit my grow to roughly three dozen plants (even I'm not convinced), but we'll see what happens.
I don't really have much of a grow list, just a list of varieties that I have at the moment and I'd like to grow. 
So here's something that resembles a Grow List, its not set in stone; I'll end up not growing some on here, and I'll end up growing some that aren't on here.
-- The Grow List --
- Aji Amarillo
- Carolina Reaper
- Naga Viper Purple
- Aji Lemon
- Brazilian Starfish
- Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
- MoA Scotch Bonnet
- Scotch Brain
- Aji Jobito X BBG7 Choc (Shorerider's)
- Choc 7 Pot
- Malih-helow
- Peter Pepper Yellow
- Rocoto
- Bahamian Goat Pepper
- Cayenne X Bhut (Shorerider's)
- Red/Green Bell
- Habanero Mix (Red Savina & Tiger Paw)
- Prik Kee Nu Suan
- Bhut Jolokia Red
- Corno Di Toro Rosso
- Aji Pineapple
- Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
- Jalapeno
- Trinidad Perfume
- Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
- Tabasco
- 7 Pot Jonah Red
- Bishop's Hat
- Cap Mushroom Red
- Sugar Rush Peach
- Yellow Bell
- Goat's Weed
- Rocoto Aji Largo
- Trinidad Scorpion Butch-T
So yeah, that 36 plant limit is very dubious.
But before I go on, I'd like to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to Blitz527, as well as everyone who got on board the Aussie Seed Train, my grow is substantially due to your generosity!
So THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now its time to get down to business, The Grow!
I started 9 varieties on Saturday (1st July), giving them a chamomile bath and then into the paper towel in the incubator (which only fits 9 varieties)
The Bath Tub:

The Incubator:


So the first batch for this season is:
- Naga Viper Purple
- Scotch Brain
- Aji Jobito X BBG7 Choc 
- Choc 7 Pot
- Carolina Reaper
- Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
- MoA Scotch Bonnet
- Bahamian Goat Pepper
- Bhut Jolokia Red
And not forgetting the Aji Amarillo that have already started.

You'll notice a few other seedlings in the background, they're from seed I kept from last season's grow, but they all got mixed up. So I decided to sow some of the mixed up stuff back in April to make sure that they were all okay and would actually grow. Three of them have purple foliage, so they must be Ebony Fire. The rest are either Jalapeno or Thai Hot. (There's 6 all up)
I've had them slowly growing on a windowsill since April, but I got my growbox set up yesterday (writing this on the 4th July) and chucked them into it. They're looking happier already!

But anyway,
When this lot pops, I'll start the next, and so on and so forth till I declare that I have sufficient Varieties!
Here's to hoping for a great season and a great glog, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I will!!!
Thanks for stopping by, I'm looking forward  to sharing my progress with you, I'm aiming for at least weekly.
4/7/17 EDIT: Replaced the dodgy photo links, and added some info about some seedlings I've already started.
MikeUSMC said:
Looking good, TBG. Good luck on planting out. You're gonna want to stake up those taller ones sooner than later (stakes or tomato cages) ;)

I'm planning on staking most of them when they hit the dirt. I've got a few lying around that I've been rounding up, and will need to buy some more at some stage.
Devv said:
+1 on 119!
And yes, everything looks great. And that's the plants and soil!
Dang 30 something days and I start seeds again....just crazy :rolleyes:

Gosh, that is crazy... you start before winter! But I guess you have to have them in action before the heat, whereas here the heat isn't that much heat at all :P

Edit: typo

Who turned out the lights?

Where'd all the plants go?

ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Because I'm a nerd with not much better to do, I found the pattern for buds so far.
Start off with 1. (Total 1) Add 2. (Total 3) Add 2 to each of those new ones, 4 all up. (Total 7) That's where it is now. So I'm guessing that next it'll add 8 buds, giving a total of 15. Then total of 31, 63, 127, 257, and so on. 
Tn = (Tn-1 x 2) +1
We'll see if it follows the maths :rofl:
Like the math TBG. Can you factor in a height to that as well. That would be awsome.
KAOS said:
Like the math TBG. Can you factor in a height to that as well. That would be awsome.
Haha, funny you should say that, because it's wrong. The correct formula is

Fn = (2^n) -1

Where n is the number of times the plant has forked, and Fn is the total number of flowers on the plant.

Factor in height? Yikes!... :rolleyes:

Heads up, big update coming! Same blond-time! Same blond-channel! Stay tuned...
Its time!
Lets take it chronologically...
We've got another member in the bud club!

Say hello to Trinidad Scorpion CARDI, rocking a large load, for its first node at least!
Nearly bumped my head into this guy, good to see aerial security on the premises!

Some non-chilli updates, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs are in the green tent, and I've sowed the purple climbing beans.



The green tent is now completely full, or at least, it was....

And the front bed of the Pepper Patch is fully composted and ready for planting!

So lets get down and dirty!
But first, the selected plants should sit in their spots for 24 hours, to get a feel for their new home.

And then, dirt time! :woohoo:

The first of the season to meet the dirt up close and personal was Cayenne X Bhut (1)

The others, numbering 10 in total, are:
Cayenne X Bhut (1) & (2)
Aji Jobito X BBG7 Choc (1) & (2)
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (1)
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI (1)
Scotch Brain (2)
P. Dreadie Scotch Bonnet (1)
D3's El Scorponero (3)
D3's 7 Pot Burgundy X CGN 21500 (2)
These were the most developed looking plants, not necessarily the eldest.
And that happened today! Hopefully the weather is good to them as they settle in, and they like the soil!
Here's to a good grow - now the ball's really rolling! :party:
Thanks for stopping by! :dance:
KAOS said:
It's planting time dude.
Nice to get your hands dirty and actually see some reward for you effort?
Looking good, but remember to stake them TBG.
Very much so!
Stakes go in tomorrow ;)
I'm gonna attempt to double them up, I think that the relatively closeish spacing should make it possible...
Good to see that your grow is progressing well as per plan. An important milestone is reached  :dance:.  We are all following and putting more pressure on you  :D .
Keep up the good work buddy.
qandeel said:
Good to see that your grow is progressing well as per plan. An important milestone is reached  :dance:.  We are all following and putting more pressure on you  :D .
Keep up the good work buddy.

It was actually a bit surreal, this is my first time from seeds, and my first major grow, and the moment was all the more surreal for the transformation of the patch. It has been sitting overgrown with weeds and blackberries for years, like, 10+. It feels great to have done something! But I imagine it'll feel even better if I pick some pods... :P
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
Additional question: Which manure is best? I've got cow, sheep and chicken readily available, but not horse for some reason.

Every grower will say they have preference ,
I live in farm land so got access to all you mention lol never used sheep dung, but used all the others plus Donkey.
I'd mix all 3 if it's all well rotted and dig it in well, throw in some finely powdered egg shells banana skins, seaweed if your near the coast.
Sounds like you have it covered [emoji6] good luck and hope your picking some decent hauls pretty soon.

Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Devv said:
+1 on 119!
And yes, everything looks great. And that's the plants and soil!
Dang 30 something days and I start seeds again....just crazy :rolleyes:
I hear you Scott, I speed Rocoto seeds last November as I had itchy fingers [emoji6] where's 11 months gone dude.?
Seems crazy planting seeds for next season when we're still picking this grow. [emoji23][emoji23].
You doing more bonnets more flavours for 2018 .
Will your Orange Thai bush tree triffid [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] make it through winter?
Credit to your grow skills that bad boy.

Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Superhot Sim said:
Every grower will say they have preference ,
I live in farm land so got access to all you mention lol never used sheep dung, but used all the others plus Donkey.
I'd mix all 3 if it's all well rotted and dig it in well, throw in some finely powdered egg shells banana skins, seaweed if your near the coast.
Sounds like you have it covered [emoji6] good luck and hope your picking some decent hauls pretty soon.

Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Time for some picturessss :woohoo:
I've been aware of him for some time, and his mates, but I finally snapped a picture of him!
I present to you, the guardian of the Pepper Patch!

For all you folk who are up and over, he's a Blue-tongue Lizard (skink to be pedantic), and their dietary staple is snails! (Plus other stuff - they also like strawberries)
So glad that he's hanging around, as he'll protect the patch from slimy invaders!
This update is a special update, with a single focus, from earlier today...
No, not those buds  :D
These ones!

^ Aji Amarillo, finally have visual proof! The buds are hard to see, but the fork is pronounced...

^ D3's 7 Pot Burgundy X CGN 21500 F2 (can't remember which plant)

^ Tabasco

^ D3's El Scorponero F2 (in the patch)
And lets have another look at the Cayenne X Bhut

Going strong!
And that's all for now, I think that there should be a flower on the Cayenne X Bhut in the next couple of weeks! And we know what follows the flower...
Been busy this week, but taking pictures.
Update tomorrow, hopefully.
If not, going to market on the weekend and it doesn't look to be washed out this time, so hopefully I can spread some plants around!
I have to say, I'm gonna miss my babies, but I can't grow them all myself...
Stay tuned!
Hello Again!
Bit later than planned, but better late then never, eh?
First things first, went to the market on Saturday (writing this on Monday), with 24 plants. Came home with 5!!!!!!!! So I'm pretty stoked about that, and I now have only 4 more plants than I can cater for, but I have 4 decent sized pots laying around, so no problem! Everything is working out.
Went into town the other day and whilst in the Supermarket (Coles for the Aussies reading this) I discovered something amazing....
Habaneros! Loose! Never before have I seen this, I've seen them prepackaged, but I've only ever seen loose Jalapenos, Bulls-Horns, Birdseyes and "Red Chilli" or "Green Chilli". Funnily, you got 4 prepackaged for $3.00, while loose they were priced at $16.00/kg. I grabbed 3 for $0.56!

Had a quarter of one the other day, and it was quite hot, a bit hotter than expected, but had that classic Habanero flavour. I think I might make some salsa or something with the rest, and save the seeds for the hell of it. 
In other news, also bought another couple of bags of compost, and made up another bed (or half a bed anyway)

Notice the colour difference in the soil, that picture was taken after I'd mixed the compost in, and I'd only watered it slightly, so it isn't damp compared to the other half.
And because I have these photos in chronological order, we'll come back to the patch shortly.
Because the White Fatalii has a bud!

Seems like Batch 1 of Solo Cups may not be a complete write off after all!
And remember how the Aji Lemon seemed to have two stems? If not, here's an old picture:

And take a look at it now!

And to make matters more interesting, its going for a third!

And none of them are proper forks! Mutant plant? AWESOME! :onfire:
And you know what else is awesome? Guardians!

Found this little fella on a Cayenne X Bhut.
And this one was on the No. 1 Amarillo

While we're looking at the Cayenne X Bhut, the side growth is catching up the the main stem!

Not height wise, but bud-wise!
And seeing as we're back in the Patch, the newly-improved half bed is now home to another 10 plants.

Clockwise from top left we have:
Carolina Reaper
White Fatalii
Trinidad Perfume
D3's El Scorponero
D3's 7 Pot Burgundy X CGN 21500
D3's Aji Painapple
Albanian Red Hot
I tossed the Reaper and Fatalii in there to see if they'll chuck an Amarillo and grow like crazy. If so, I'll toss in the rest of batch 1 in the next round of planting out.
Until then, I'll leave you all with some scary looking beans germinating:

Dunno why, but they give me the creeps.
Thanks for reading along and dropping in, there should be more news soon! :woohoo: