• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TBG's First Chilli Blitz! (2017-18)

G'day G'day!
Welcome to my very first glog, I hope you like it: ;)
This is my first time growing peppers seriously. Last season was my first; I grew 3 Jalapenos, 3 Habaneros,  a Naga Viper, Thai Hot, Cap Mushroom Red and an Ebony Fire, all bought from the store at various maturities.
And then I found TheHotPepper around March this year, and if my grow last year sparked my interest, THP nuked it! I've been super keen for this season, and now its started!
I started a few seeds of Aji Amarillo for the SHGDTD on the 22nd June, and currently have 2 seedlings, awaiting the third and final to pop.
This year, I'm thinking that I'm attempting to kinda try to limit my grow to roughly three dozen plants (even I'm not convinced), but we'll see what happens.
I don't really have much of a grow list, just a list of varieties that I have at the moment and I'd like to grow. 
So here's something that resembles a Grow List, its not set in stone; I'll end up not growing some on here, and I'll end up growing some that aren't on here.
-- The Grow List --
- Aji Amarillo
- Carolina Reaper
- Naga Viper Purple
- Aji Lemon
- Brazilian Starfish
- Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
- MoA Scotch Bonnet
- Scotch Brain
- Aji Jobito X BBG7 Choc (Shorerider's)
- Choc 7 Pot
- Malih-helow
- Peter Pepper Yellow
- Rocoto
- Bahamian Goat Pepper
- Cayenne X Bhut (Shorerider's)
- Red/Green Bell
- Habanero Mix (Red Savina & Tiger Paw)
- Prik Kee Nu Suan
- Bhut Jolokia Red
- Corno Di Toro Rosso
- Aji Pineapple
- Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
- Jalapeno
- Trinidad Perfume
- Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
- Tabasco
- 7 Pot Jonah Red
- Bishop's Hat
- Cap Mushroom Red
- Sugar Rush Peach
- Yellow Bell
- Goat's Weed
- Rocoto Aji Largo
- Trinidad Scorpion Butch-T
So yeah, that 36 plant limit is very dubious.
But before I go on, I'd like to send out a HUGE THANK YOU to Blitz527, as well as everyone who got on board the Aussie Seed Train, my grow is substantially due to your generosity!
So THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now its time to get down to business, The Grow!
I started 9 varieties on Saturday (1st July), giving them a chamomile bath and then into the paper towel in the incubator (which only fits 9 varieties)
The Bath Tub:

The Incubator:


So the first batch for this season is:
- Naga Viper Purple
- Scotch Brain
- Aji Jobito X BBG7 Choc 
- Choc 7 Pot
- Carolina Reaper
- Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
- MoA Scotch Bonnet
- Bahamian Goat Pepper
- Bhut Jolokia Red
And not forgetting the Aji Amarillo that have already started.

You'll notice a few other seedlings in the background, they're from seed I kept from last season's grow, but they all got mixed up. So I decided to sow some of the mixed up stuff back in April to make sure that they were all okay and would actually grow. Three of them have purple foliage, so they must be Ebony Fire. The rest are either Jalapeno or Thai Hot. (There's 6 all up)
I've had them slowly growing on a windowsill since April, but I got my growbox set up yesterday (writing this on the 4th July) and chucked them into it. They're looking happier already!

But anyway,
When this lot pops, I'll start the next, and so on and so forth till I declare that I have sufficient Varieties!
Here's to hoping for a great season and a great glog, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I will!!!
Thanks for stopping by, I'm looking forward  to sharing my progress with you, I'm aiming for at least weekly.
4/7/17 EDIT: Replaced the dodgy photo links, and added some info about some seedlings I've already started.
:party: :woohoo: :party:

Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion has decided to wake up! Obviously not home free yet, still needs to germ successfully... but hooray anyway!
Also more germ action going on, the running total is:
3x Aji Amarillo (100%)
1x carolina Reaper
1x Choc 7 Pot
2x Purple Naga Viper (100%)
2x Bahamian Goat Pepper* (100%)
2x Red Bhut Jolokia (100%)
   *  One is possibly Scotch Bonnet, but which one???
Now that the mix ups have started to germinate, I'll give them a few days and see if there's any disparities that will lead to a positive I.D.
Also suffered my first casualty, lost a Scotch Bonnet* seed to a fungus-mould thing, it had white hair-fluff growing on it. It went to seed-heaven, and I replaced the paper towel in the incubator so as to not spread it to the rest of my seeds. Luckily, D3monic had me covered with some Papa Dreadie's that I'm looking forward to!
Pics soon?????????
Oh yeah, :woohoo:  See ya later! 
ThatBlondGuy101 said:
:party: :woohoo: :party:

Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion has decided to wake up! Obviously not home free yet, still needs to germ successfully... but hooray anyway!
Also more germ action going on, the running total is:
3x Aji Amarillo (100%)
1x carolina Reaper
1x Choc 7 Pot
2x Purple Naga Viper (100%)
2x Bahamian Goat Pepper* (100%)
2x Red Bhut Jolokia (100%)
   *  One is possibly Scotch Bonnet, but which one???
Now that the mix ups have started to germinate, I'll give them a few days and see if there's any disparities that will lead to a positive I.D.
Also suffered my first casualty, lost a Scotch Bonnet* seed to a fungus-mould thing, it had white hair-fluff growing on it. It went to seed-heaven, and I replaced the paper towel in the incubator so as to not spread it to the rest of my seeds. Luckily, D3monic had me covered with some Papa Dreadie's that I'm looking forward to!
Pics soon?????????
Oh yeah, :woohoo:  See ya later! 
Even this time of year (summer for me), I love seeing those little tails shooting out of the seed coat. Congrats and great job, TBG!
Okay, its time for some more pics!
Here's all the seedlings in Jiffy's so far, all at different stages of maturity.

A2/A3 - Aji Amarillo
1 -  Carolina Reaper
2 - Choc 7 Pot (very small for some reason)
3 - Purple Naga Viper
4 - Bahamian Goat (one of 'em is anyway)
5 - Bhut Jolokia Red
6 - MoA Scotch Bonnet (or B.G)
They're all coming along nicely, no hiccups yet!
Also got a few more on the way, plus those in the incubator

I've also sown some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, (and some Aji Painapple for D3)
The two plants in cups:

Amarillo on right, Ebony Fire on left.
Noticed something strange with the Ebony Fire...


The leaves seem to have fused... not sure whether to be stoked or concerned.
EDIT: It also had a triple cotyl, forgot to mention it so far! :oops:
If it is a fatal flaw, it will be sad to see it go, but my grow would be happier for the freed up space!
I've been looking at my options in the coming months, for when I inevitably cull my grow (hopefully I don't have to cull any entire varieties).
I have two friends who are into chillies, and will probably be able to offload quite a few plants onto them. I also have a few more friends and family who I think I can talk into taking a few plants.
If that doesn't do it, I'll advertise around town that I'm giving away plants, and hopefully some interested people come knocking!
The only problem is that, until mid-august, folks will need the facilities to grow indoors if they want to, because its too damn cold around here! Even after mid-august folks will need a greenhouse until mid-september... but hey, that ain't for a while yet!
Its been good to have you stop by, I think I've said it before, but it really brightens my day to know that people are actually following my glog! Keep the feedback rolling, I wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for the advice, tips, tricks and help from everyone on this forum!
What a great place to be! :party:
That's all for now, thanks for the good vibes!
                                         -  TBG.

KAOS said:
Love that little purple guy

Keep up the good work TBG.
Looking great
That little purple guy is becoming very interesting very quickly...

The Goat/Bonnet plot thickens!
It appears that the seedling is developing purple foliage!
I really doubt that it's a labeling issue, so I think that it may be a cross. I got it in the seed train knowing that it was probably open-poll, so I'm more excited than disappointed.  After all. who doesn't love a mysterious cross?
But fortunately, I kept track of who added which of the seeds to the train that I took, so I know who to talk to. They may be able to shed some light on what exactly I have growing here!
Either way, this grow is getting quite more interesting than I envisioned - who knows what other crosses are hiding amongst the ranks of seedlings???
Also had Scotch Brain and White Fatalii germinate today, both the Fatalii's germinated in 9 days, giving that variety the quickest average so far! (Aji Amarillo was also 9 days, but had 7,9&11 so Fatalii is more consistent and gets the prize)
No more roots yet, but hooks are popping up here and there.
I also realised that I haven't yet posted an official grow list, or my proposed one anyway. There was a vague one at the start, but I've got it all figured out now, so here goes:
- - -TBG's Official (Proposed) Grow List- - -
C. Chinense
Carolina Reaper
Purple Naga Viper
Scotch Brain
Aji Jobito X BBG7
Choc 7 Pot
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
MoA Scotch Bonnet
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Red Bhut Jolokia (Ghost)
Caramel Bhut Jolokia
White Fatalii
Komodo Dragon
Trinidad Scorpion CARDI
7 Pot Jonah Red
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
Trinidad Perfume
Papa Dreadie Scotch Bonnet
Habanero Mix (Red Savina & Tiger Paw)
C. Frutescens
Prik Kee Nu Suan
C. Pubescens
C. Baccatum
Aji Amarillo
Aji Lemon
Aji Pineapple
Brazilian Starfish
Bishop's Hat
C. Annuum
Goat's Weed
Peter Pepper Yellow
Red/Green Bell
Corno Di Toro Rosso (Bull's Horn)
Albanian Red Hot
Orange Wild Brazil
Mystery Variety (RaelThomas)
Cayenne X Bhut (shorerider)
Aji Painapple (D3monic)
Devil's Prick (D3monic)
El Scorponero (D3monic)
7 Pot Burgundy X CGN 21500 (D3monic)
18 Chinense
2 Frutescens
1 Pubescens
5 Baccatums
7 Annuums
2 Unknown
5 Crosses
Total: 40 varieties
Hello Again!
Quick update with pics!
The Unknown seedling (Bahamian Goat/Scotch Bonnet X ???) is definitely purple:

All the others are cruising along nicely

Some are starting on their fist true leaves (Red Bhut here)

I've had a few more germinate, most excitably the Jay's Peach G.S, which germinated yesterday afternoon (pic taken this morning)

:woohoo: :onfire: :party:
I transplanted Amarillo No. 3 the other day, here he is with No. 1 and Ebony Fire:

No. 2 was a tiny bit slower growing than No. 3, and had some growth in its pellet:


So I figured that, out of the two of them, it was the one to say good-bye to.
No. 1 is chugging along slowly, which I suppose is a good thing, because if it grows too fast I won't have any where to put it!
I've noticed that there is a much shorter growth habit for the seedlings that spent their whole lives so far in the box, compared to the Amarillos, which sat on a windowsill for a few days. I think that's a good sign....
Not much else to say at the moment, ran out of Jiffy pellets, so i'm not sowing until i get my hands on some more (should happen this week)
Also want to get a small fan to put in the box, I think that should prevent any more unwanted growth (the mould type)
Happy Weekend to all, and thanks again for hanging around!

Small Update!

An Aji Jobito X BBG7 didn't germ, as well as a Choc 7 pot. Already have a Choc 7 pot seed.ong, so not too concerned about that, but resowed a couple more A.J X BBG7. Also sowed some Cayenne X Bhut, Trinidad Perfume and El Scorponero, and am getting jiffy pellets this afternoon.

Not much else to report - no new germs, roots or transplants (yet)

Stay Tuned for more (hopefully)
Genetikx said:
Nice glog you've got here and you're doing a great job balancing out varieties... Something I can't ever seem to do :)

Yeah, I've tried to have a wide range for this grow. I want to grow a bit of everything this time around, so I can figure out what I like, and go from there in future years.

Also some news, first Aji Painapple shot a root, so into the Jiffy for it!
Okay, time for an update with pics!
First up, the first Aji Amarillo seems to be putting out some lateral growth

Which seems to bit weird for its age, but I'm no expert.
Here's a blurry pic of it: (taken today)

I've been measuring it a bit to make sure its growing, and it gained 8mm over the last 3 days, so that's a good sign.
All the other seedlings are also coming along nicely:

Reaper is starting to see some leaves:


And the "Purple Goat Bonnet" is very purple.


No new germs, but here's a photo of the Aji Painapple from the other day:


Since then I've had a Scotch Brain shoot as well. Also sown some P.Dreadie's and more CARDI Scorpion's. The current Scorp. seeds don't look too good, so I'm bringing in backup for them.
And that's about everything! Thanks again (again) for stopping by, please drop in any comment, questions or concerns!
All The Best, TBG. :dance:

karoo said:
Excellent start TBG ! Wonderful germination pics !
I only germinate in soil , so I have to wait for the hooks.
Thanks karoo! Glad to have you stop by!

Yeah, I'm really liking being able to see the seeds before they germinate, so I can tell if they are duds, and when they root I know that it'll only be a matter of days before I see hooks, and then -pop!-

There seems to be something about updating my glog having an effect on the plants, because every time I update, there's a new bout of hooks, roots, etc.
Last night, after posting my last update, I checked on the seeds, only to discover roots from more Painapple's and a Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, as well as a hook from something I can't remember right now. So maybe I should update more often? :rofl:

Hopefully I'll have another germ tonight or tomorrow!
Looks like your season is off to a great start. That Purple Goat Bonnet is an interesting one. I really like the dark purple coloration it is showing so far.
I am eager to see how those Purple Naga Vipers turn out for you. That variety is high on my list for next season. Anyway, best of luck with your grow!
BlackFatalii said:
Looks like your season is off to a great start. That Purple Goat Bonnet is an interesting one. I really like the dark purple coloration it is showing so far.
I am eager to see how those Purple Naga Vipers turn out for you. That variety is high on my list for next season. Anyway, best of luck with your grow!

Thanks! Yes, I am super excited about the Purple Vipers, hopefully they come to fruit!