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Tea Time

*A thread for all tea lovers

In an attempt to cut down on sugary drinks, I'm going to try and drink more tea. After a little research I'm convinced that loose leaf tea is the way to go. Picked up a few items to get me started. The little teapot with strainer only cost $3 at the Daiso, which should come in handy when drinking solo. The glass teapot and tea came from the Korean-mart. For the tea I went with a Green Tea (Sen-cha) the most popular tea in Japan and a Oolong tea from China. I know I like green tea but not sure about the Oolong tea which is fermented for awhile. Will be interesting exploring the world of tea.


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dragonsfire said:
I like to use the Bodum/French press, more room for the tea to circulate, big differance in the price of Tea, dont cheap out, less bitter the higher you go.
Think the cheaper stuff is harvested late in the season vs the premium tea which is harvested earlier. I could be wrong about that but when dealing with a lower quality tea maybe steeping at a lower temp may help to reduce the bitterness...
I get some ITO EN green tea bags at Costco and culinary grade matcha powder from myspicesage. I buy more loose leaf in Indian varieties like darjeeling and barooti assam. Mostly Ahmad brand. Ive heard their green tea is pretty good too but i haven't tried it yet.
When f**kashema happened I bought 10lbs of tea, 5 lbs of Sencha Kyoto Cherry Rose, nice stuff, vacuum packed them. 1kg of Sencha left. Most of my Stuff in Black tea, Theirs an east indian tea thats cardamom, real nice and good cost when you get it from an east Indian store "Ahmad Tea London".

Interesting... the green tea I just bought doesn't specify where it was grown in Japan. It was unusually cheap compared to other teas I've seen for sale. Only paid $6.49 for 5.3 oz bag. Should I be concerned? Hoping it's not nuclear tea haha
Theirs no way of saying unless you have your own giger counter. Its outlawed in Japan to report on radiation, the reactor is still coughing out and filling the Pacific. Most of the Fish products in the store are now from the Pacific, its become cheaper then the other.
dragonsfire said:
Theirs no way of saying unless you have your own giger counter. Its outlawed in Japan to report on radiation, the reactor is still coughing out and filling the Pacific. Most of the Fish products in the store are now from the Pacific, its become cheaper then the other.
That's scary, think I'll put this bag on eBay and stick to Chinese green teas for now.