I'm curious if anyone else has experienced this. I'm overwintering I think a little over 30 containers (I grow exclusively in containers indoors & out) in my basement under an array of 40 watt fluorescent tubes, a metal halide and an HPS fixture(s) again this winter. Plants are 1, 2 and 3 yo mostly planted two to an 8 gal container. Done this for years and pretty much have down pat. Plants in the basement this year are closely packed together. No air movement to speak of & I didn't jostle the blossoms to promote selfing. 1st year ever that haven't had aphids. Almost all the plants went through 2 or 3 light freezes before being put inside last Oct. Many lost the majority of their leaves so a lot of new growth. There were no blossoms left.
So why would I let them sit outside under freeze conditions? Down to 23° for a few hours. Because that's the way I am. LOL I don't panic when bugs attack or when plants just don't look 'just right'. No pesticides, no spraying fungicides etc, although not an organic gardener any more. Miracle Gro 15-30-15 is my fert of choice these days.
My goal these years is to just keep my basement plants alive until I can set them out when winter weather is over. Didn't fertilize and only watered when plants started to wilt a little. Basement is kept about 60°F.
These were the 1st pods that I discovered:
None of the little pods in both pics had seeds. My guess is that poor pollination is the cause. Any other ideas? And yes, there were normal sized pods on my plants last summer.