tepin x lemon drop (new f3s in the dirt)

filmost - What do they taste like?

I actually haven't tried these yet, but if they are anything like the F2s then they should be very tasty.
All 3 look good to me.

Is you had to choose one,which would it be?
filmost said:
Is you had to choose one,which would it be?
Toss up between structure of far right dimples and far left size and shape. Would have to take a bite and see which one tastes better
@ Dave.. No I haven't started them yet. Your txl, Sweet peppers and tomatoes going in tonight!! Oh and seeds from those ground cherries you sent mmmm...

And filmost I like pic # 3!!
@ Dave.. No I haven't started them yet. Your txl, Sweet peppers and tomatoes going in tonight!! Oh and seeds from those ground cherries you sent mmmm...

And filmost I like pic # 3!!

#3 and #4 are the same one from different angles. Want me to send some seeds back your way?
F2 overwinter! I started this plant very late last year and I thought it was lost to thrips. This sat neglected outside all winter. 3-4 weeks ago I noticed that it was still alive and trying to put out some new leaves so I top dressed the container with some nice ferts and then promptly forgot about it. This is what I saw today  :dance:
Actually the bag is from HEB, but same thing really. The bag has taken some severe weathering, there is no way I can move it without the whole thing falling apart. I have never OW in a container before. I usually grow in ground and just wait for all the leaves to drop (usually early december) then cut the plants way back and let nature take its course. There are several man-size tepins growing wild in the neighborhood so I'm not too surprised about this plant's cold hardiness and general like for the local climate.
filmost said:
mike, I forgot to mail the seeds out lol

I'm gonna be in the US next week so just gonna mail it from my place.
No sweat Filmost! I went ahead and have 6 plants from f2 pods that Dave sent me. I'll drop yours when they get here.. I still have a f4 plant also but don't like the shape. The flavor and crunch is still there though. I actually need to get on it and try and do a couple generations this year.
cone9 said:
Here are pods on my Tepin x Lemon Drop F3 plants
 #1 in the dirt

#2 in a pot

Both plants and pods look just like the F2 plants/pods last year from which these seeds came.

Nice! I have 6 plants from those pods last season growing but your way ahead of me. Actually if you can shoot over a few seeds from these I'll start them asap!
Hi Mike,
I have quite a few pods set already for as small as the plants are(which concerns me a bit).  I hope the plants still grow as large and are as productive as last year's.
These plants are growing from the same seed pool as yours.  Do you need more of last years seed?
Or, do you mean seed from the pods pictured above (which I will harvest and send you some as soon as they ripen)?
The T x LD adventure continues!
Afterthought:  I bought some bags to isolate flowers.  I was planning to isolate some on each plant a little later in the season from which to save seed.  Might be best to wait for that seed but you are welcome to any and all you'd like.