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tepin x lemon drop (new f3s in the dirt)

Well I've been so busy recently I haven't been able to get in a while. Smh.. Any how glad you got the seeds pepperwhisper! I also need to add the f2s are freaking amazing! They are a little hotter than the mother and beat it in flavor.. I selected a pod and germinated a few of the f3s. Hopefully they turn out just as good!
I've already tasted a few of these. I have 2 plants and I really like #2. It has larger pods, and has the flavor of both parents pretty even and it's sweeter. Less seeds also which is a plus ;).

Plant #1. First pods looked way different than this. All the pods on it look like that.

Plant #2. First pod tasted very good. Actually I want to keep it alive and overwinter. All pics same pods. Last pics are new pods and flower setting ;).

New pods.

Those plants look great walter! The second plant sounds a lot like the f2 I have going... The plants looked great before I tossed them outside a while back. They already had pods set indoors and the sun caused them to loose some leaves. I'm patiently waiting got them to ripen so the plants start growing again once I pop them off. Thought about just saying piss on it and pull them but the pods on the f2 (right) are all isolated and I'm guessing somebody would be interested in the seeds. Any how once they kick into the next wave I think I'm going to take some of your advice and breed them together under the HID.. Quick question tho as I'm no pro yet! should I breed the mother into the f2 or the other way around? If it matters either way?

Wow can't belief I hadn't seen this before! These are two of my all time favorite chiles! If someone has some F1, F2, F3 whatever seeds I will gladly jump through hoops to acquire some of these seeds and they will go into soil the day I get them in the mail! And can post pics as well! Thanx in advance
My two plants are doing well.  I have lots of blossoms and pods setting.
This one is in the dirt.  At present, it has half a dozen pods this size and many smaller ones.
Here it is on 5-26:

...and on 5-31:

This one is in a pot.   Pods are all still only a few millimeters long.

Both are F2 plants grown from seed I saved from pods Mike sent me last summer.
Here are my babies at day 7 or 8. Had quite a few beers since then so I'm not exactly sure. All the Mata Frade (thanks for the bonus seeds!) have popped, and 2 of the Tepin x Lemon have come up. One of the other TxL cups has a hook just below the soil surface that should be up by morning. The TxL has nice fat cotyledons and purple stems. Next time I will try to take a pic when there is better light.
So, 5 of 6 seeds germinated in the 7-11 day range. I had just written off that 6th seed until today. Day 16 the seedling comes up, and it has 4 cotyledons  :shocked: I feel like I found a 5 leaf clover. I'll snap a pic in the morning. I've been giving them a good dose of sun and the first set of true leaves are forming well, though they are small, which I expect with so much exposure this early.
Mine are taking off. I need to post pics of my remaining two plants. The one that had some damping off and rebounded mysteriously disappeared. 
I went ahead and germinated ten seeds out of the f2s and had 100% germination rates. I started out with 6 seedlings and decided to drop it down to 4 cause I needed the dirt in other places. Anyway Heres the first f3s I know of! Well one of them..

I'm not sure how old they are or when I germinated but oh well. Can't be more than a 2 weeks old. Anyway I have 3 outside and one indoors under lights. I can't wait to see how they come out compared to the first two generations... Won't be long now and I'll be half way home to the f8.
My pods are really growing.   This on is the same as pictured in post #111.  He has a couple little brothers with him now.
on 5-3-2014:

Today (6-12-2014):
