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indoor Test growing indoors

This is the first sprouting 7 Pot.
Plants are looking good. The title of the thread is "Test growing indoors." I was wondering if you have the space/lights to keep them going until the spring or what you plan on doing with them?
We're planning to move to another house next year where I have more space in the house and in the wintergarden. The only problem is that we do not exactly know when we will move. It might be in Ferbruary, might be in April. If it is in February I have no problem, if it is in April it will be tight. Well, it also depends on how fast the rest of the seeds will sprout.

Edit: Yeah, I have been a bit impatient. I wanted to start more seeds in January, now I already did it in December...
plants are looking good, if space might be an issue maybe buy a garden house like chiliac did (a steal IMO) or if you live close enough to him ask if you could grow some plants at his garden property.
chilehunter said:
plants are looking good, if space might be an issue maybe buy a garden house like chiliac did (a steal IMO) or if you live close enough to him ask if you could grow some plants at his garden property.

We already know where we will move. Just the schedule isn't set by now. And then space will not be the problem any more. And, well, Chiliac lives too far away...
Armadillo said:
We're planning to move to another house next year where I have more space in the house and in the wintergarden. The only problem is that we do not exactly know when we will move. It might be in Ferbruary, might be in April. If it is in February I have no problem, if it is in April it will be tight. Well, it also depends on how fast the rest of the seeds will sprout.

Edit: Yeah, I have been a bit impatient. I wanted to start more seeds in January, now I already did it in December...

Yea well that makes sense. The growing inconvenience will be well worth it for a nice new house. Good luck with the move.
Josh said:
Yea well that makes sense. The growing inconvenience will be well worth it for a nice new house. Good luck with the move.

Thanx! It's just four miles of distance but moving is always a PITA.

Today my Cayenne started it's first flower bud!
Josh said:
Cool. You planning on pinching it off or leaving it on?

I'll let it grow. Since it's the only bud it will be the only flower so I don't fear cross pollination.

Omri said:
mmmmmmmm... pita! :drooling:

:lol: I know! Same thing in Turkey, Greece, Israel, the whole Arabian world it's pita or pide. ... Well, I didn't talk about Fladenbrot...