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Testing hot sauces on people

As a spicy food lover I am nearly useless for opinions on heat level when compared to non-hotheads. How do you test your sauces on people? If you make superhot sauces, who can you share them with that is willing to burn? At this point superhots are a comfortable burn in my mouth and making milder sauces is especially difficult. If I want to make a sauce that most people can tolerate, how can I appreciate my own creation if it isn't even spicy to me before I let others try it?
I keep all the ingredients the same and exchange various peppers to raise or lower the heat level. For example those who like mild I use jalapeno,serrano and thai peppers, for those who like a medium I use habs, jalapeno and serrano. For those who like hot I add a few superhots and some powder to the sauce. Most people tell me if it to hot so I change the peppers to their liking.
I find that once they know I'm a chilihead they shy away from my food creations altogether. Not sure how to help ya. Most of what I make is just for my consumption. I did find a guy that wanted really hot recently and nearly burned his face off with my pickled supers. He liked it, but was shocked at the heat building to an inferno.
Also I've been selling about a dozen jars a week at work. Like a drug addict they become hooked and want more and more lol......................Today I just made a mild batch of 6 jars that had 6 habs, 3 serrano and 3 jalapenos. 
People that know me will not eat anything I offer
My homemade fresh peach ice cream is scary to them :)
I told'em the fresh Strawberry Reaper sauce wasn't being offered LOL!
It's not good to burn unwitting victims, and I'm sure that's not what you're doing. 
You just have to find a few stupid crazy people who like hot stuff who are willing to try your stuff.  They're probably about 1 out of 20 that can handle the really hot stuff. 
For those semi-chileheads, it's good if you can relate your sauce to a know heat level like..."twice as hot as Tabasco" .....etc...
Have Fun~~~
Mmmm thanks guys. One other thing I've done is tell people that know my preferences to try a hot version and get their face melted before they try milder ones. Sort of giving them an endorphin dump before trying milder things for a quick tolerance build. Jalapenos were hot to my girlfriend two months ago, but now she demands I make more peach scorpion salsa before I even think about it.

@Savina: do your milds burn you at all?
@Salsalady: "x as hot as tabasco" is a good tip. Read your hot sauce book btw. Very nice. Lot's of yummy tips in there that I won't forget.