contest texas blues vs. LunchBox

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Actually...fate is kicking me in the balls today...the wife is sick, the 3 year old is sick, I feel like $#!+ (although mine is likely a hangover)...but the 2 month old is still crying, and crapping his pants...which is about normal...I think.

Don't play it up too much.......just I showed you. Make'em think you're struggling to place an entry....and then, BLAM! at the last minute!

Back from teh sto'. Just some simple ingredients really for tonight's mayhem. On the way though mrs. blues took me to my favorite burger chain. WHATABURGER. YAAAAAY! Definitely not a favorite of mrs. blues as she's all over IN N OUT. Sadly the lines at the Frisco store are still too long to bother going yet.
Back from teh sto'. Just some simple ingredients really for tonight's mayhem. On the way though mrs. blues took me to my favorite burger chain. WHATABURGER. YAAAAAY! Definitely not a favorite of mrs. blues as she's all over IN N OUT. Sadly the lines at the Frisco store are still too long to bother going yet.

LOL...gotta admit Whataburger is just about as good a fast food burger as it gets.

I'll do my best to throw down tonight...but with the condition of the family right now, I may have to do it tomorrow. But...I'm hoping to be able to get it done this evening. The only times I've seen my lovely wife today, is on her mad-dash to the bathroom to puke her guts out. :)
Fast food love in a TD?!


You gotta' get outta' NYC boss. Chain's ain't my first choice but Dick's, INO and Whataburger rule over the big joints. My local mom and pop is way better than those joints but the regional chains have there place. You got any love for Shake Shack? How 'bout White Manna in Hackensack NJ? I haven't hadem' but might be yankee burgers I could get next to, 'specially the White Manna cheeseburger.
First's an honor to go head to head against one of the elites here on THP. I've always made really good burgers, and knew the only way to bump up to the next level...even if it doesn't take me to the to challenge the man who is arguably the best burger guy here.

I'm gonna go get the kids in bed, then post up the pics!

For the teaser, I included the baby. I told him my plans for the burger...and he started drooling.

Better pic of ingredients:


My plan was to step out of my comfort zone, and create the kind of burger that you would want to order, if you could only have one thing on a menu at a burger joint...a la carte. I love burgers, onion rings, and stuffed peppers...but I never pan-fry burgers...I rarely eat anything fried, much less fry it myself...and stuffing peppers...seem like a lot of work.

So, I started with a blend to add to the lean meat...some fresh garlic, salt, pepper, a couple of decent sized habaneros, some chile piquins, chile de arbol, and a dried nu-mex "hot" pod.


chop 'em fine...


Toss it into the meat, and mix...


Hearing that I was in the kitchen...the 3 year old snuck in to steal a jalapeno...I'll get to what those are for in a bit.

Every good burger has to have bacon...right? After cooking that, I poured the grease off to use later...


I've never made onion rings...I have no idea how to even make the batter. So...I did what any budding chef would do, and made it up as I went. I used an egg from one of the neighbors...I love farm-eggs...they're almost all yolk. Toss in a bit of yellow cornmeal, flour, and Newcastle Ale, since milk is for sissies. I seasoned it up with some scotch bonnet flakes, cayenne, salt, and fresh ground pepper blend. I messed with it until it was about like pancake batter.


I heated up some oil, coated the onions well, and tossed them in. I turned them, then re-battered them...and finished frying them.


Back to the jalapenos...I nipped the tops off, and cored them.


Good time to start the's a bare shot:


And then added my personal ghost chile spice blend:


While that was cooking...I started stuffing the japs. I crammed in pepper-jack, and bacon, using the blunt end of a kebab skewer like I was loading a damn musket.


Bacon grease back to the cast iron skillet (of love), and in the japs go:


Cooked them until the cheese started melting out:


Now that everything is all cooked was time to start stacking:

The results:





Lean ground beef, bacon, pepper-jack cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions, home made beer batter.

Chiles (fresh)- Jalapeno, Pequines, & Habanero.
Chiles (dried) - Chile de Arbol, NuMex Hot, Scotch Bonnets, Cayenne powder, and Bhut Jolokia (in spice blend)

Hot Sauce to complete - my home made habanero blend. First pepper sauce I ever made, and it's actually pretty damn good!

Everything was pan fried at exactly some temperature for exactly no set amount of time.

There it is...I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I did eating it...because it was fan-damn-tastic.
LOL...that's plating pics are crap. You shoulda seen this beast in person. I took it into the other room to show my wife. She didn't even roll her eyes to my face this time!
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