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review Texas Creek Garlic and smoked Habanero sauce review.

Today I tried Texas Creek's ( Salsalady) Garlic and smoked hab sauce. I must say I could drink the hole bottle if the wife let me at one sitting. The ingredients are as listed. Pears,grape juice,onion,garlic,balsamic vinegar, a hint of smoked habs, and best of all no additives preservatives.


One of the tastiest hot garlic sauces I have ever had. Nice little kick as well. The first thing I tasted was a sweet garlicky flavor and you could definitely taste the love of the pear's and grape juice . Immediately followed by a nice smoked sweet habanero flavor. Not salty, no vinegar taste. Just all the flavors listed on the bottle blended into perfection. I sampled the hot variety but there is also a mild version that has the same great taste without the kick. But I will stay with the :hot: .

Thank you Ann for making such a wonderful sauce :halo:

Even though I haven't had but maybe three Texas Creek products they never seem to disappoint. I can't eat the Ghost Fire sauce but we have a bottle of it for the hubby and I like the smell of it. Going to have to try thus sauce for sure.

Thanks for the review Jamie :)

Good job Ann :D
Thanks for the comments, Jamie, I'm glad you like the hotter variety. Does your wife like the milder version?

The Story-
A couple of the guys on my husband's electrical crew (Asa and Chauncy) were bugging him to have me make a sauce for them. I was playing around with the new smoker and had just smoked ~10 pounds of habaneros. One of the guys is connected to Inchelium, WA, home of the best tasting garlic ever to be discovered in the US, so...the connection was made. Smoked habaneros and garlic!

Asa's sauce is this pear-garlic sauce, Chauncy's sauce will be coming out in a few weeks.
Put your stories on your labels SL, they are interesting.
Well Ann, to be honest my wife likes the heat more than most. She is a true chili head than can eat fresh douglah's and brains and make me look like a wuss. She loves the chauncy sauce. Starts with a nice ripe bell flavor and finishes with a nice kick of pepper magic.That one will be a big hit as well. I wish I could get her to do a review but that will never happen.
Just got an order from SL. Had to try the unlabeled bottles first! Loved them both. Thanks Ann for these! Now looking around for recipies calling for worchestshire!


Hey, Mike,
THe little bottle is the hotter version of the Garlic-Hab sauce, and the red one is what we'll be calling Chauncy's sauce. Glad you liked them.
