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Thai pepper ID

Okay, so I can't for the life of me find the seed packet that this came from, and all I remember is that it said Thai something-or-other. The pods grow upright in clusters, longest is 3 inches but most are around 2 inches in length. Plants are about 2 feet tall at this point, and the peppers are starting to ripen to red.




It's a minor point really; whatever it is, it's going in my belly. :mouthonfire:
I would go with Thai Red, or Red Thai, but I think that is the name given to any upright pointing red chile from Thailand. Or you can just call it Thai Chile http://www.kitazawaseed.com/seed_352-104.html
Sounds good... and come to think of it I think the seed packet might have said Thai Red, which I remember thinking was kind of ambiguous at the time. Ah well, they'll be tasty anyway. And perfect timing, since my Thai basil has perked up a bit.
I know them as Santaka peppers. once they go red, dehydrate them and turn them into a powder/dust. Sprinkled on food is very good. Great results on "cream of" soups, inside grilled cheese sandwiches, and twice baked potatoes. Hopefully mine will start to turn red soon. My peppers are taking forever to get going!!