• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

condiment Thanks Salsalady, and everyone else!!!

Well, this year I started learning how to make sauces. Last year all I did was dehydrate all my peppers, and occasionally threw some in some salsa, or pickles. I learned a lot from Salsalady, and the others here that post their recipes. I ended up with about 12 different kinds, 8 of which are pretty decent. My favorite is a Mango-Peach TSMB sauce, and my "Mike's Garden" sauce, (which is a mix of superhots, and some other hots). All in all I ended up with about 100 bottles of sauce, 8 decent recipes, lots of powders, and lots of ideas for next year. This Christmas I'll be giving a lot away to friends and family. Here's a money shot of it all:

I know it pales in comparison to some folk's operations here. But, for my first year I think I got off to a nice start. Hell, I didn't even start making hot sauces until almost October!!!
Excellent!  Gorgeous collection, your friends and family are fortunate.
thanks everyone! some of my sauces turned out to be total shit, but most ended up ok. I've got a huge jump on next year's sauces, and will be able to fine tune my recipes to make about 6 different kinds of sauces. I'm also going to start making BBQ sauce next year as well.