• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Thanks & Some Of My Sauces

Hello there. I don't post much here, but am on quite a bit reading. Just wanted to thank everybody for all their input and knowledge. I've been making my own hot sauce for about 10 years now and get a lot of my ideas from you folks here on THP
Made quite a bit of sauce this year as well as powders. Smoked some peppers for the first time. Liked that idea and will probably do some more, maybe today. Pictured below is from Thanksgiving weekend. Got quite a bit done. Picked the rest of my peppers on Wednesday as the weather is turning here in Southern Ontario. Got the dehydrator going already today, 6 more racks. Going to try the hot bacon jam recipe. Looking for ideas for my green peppers. Also need some ideas for what to do with Bishop Crown Peppers. Might try a ferment but I have never had any luck. I just emptied a jar in the compost that was in the basement since 06. I envy the people who can get it done.
Anyway, thanks to everyone here for all your knowledge, it's great being here reading. Back to the kitchen and the peppers.






My oh my, you have been busy!  That should keep you warm at least until spring!  :) great looking goods.
You cooked and processed four sauces AT ONCE?
Holy chit man, that's impressive!
AND they look awesome.
Nicely done thorolygood!
Jamison said:
I'd say!  Mickey's Grenades FTW!
I see you recognized thee Mickey bottles. People say it's hard to find bottles but I think the beer store is a good source. You get beer to drink and get bottles for $0.10. I have a draft system in my barn but do go to the beer store during sauce season. People usually need only one bottle as it is 12 ounces