food Thanksgiving Hoedown

luvmesump3pp3rz said:
Final entry. turkey was rubbed with olive oil, garlic and paprika. homemade mashed from russet taters. stuffing from the box. steamed broccoli, oven roasted carrots, pumpkin and green beans. my wife skipped peas and did the broccoli instead. 
Happy Thanksgiving all!! :party:
Beautiful spread!
I'd happily eat at the kids table for a plate.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I boned my Turkey like I do every year. Imagine a Turkey, stuffed, with no bones. It's a Turstuffin. Cajun mustard dry rub in and out. Rubbed but good.

That said, I can't post pics because I need the Extreme membership to post pics.

What a conundrum. A conundrum is better than a predicament. And a predicament is better than a dilema but not as good as a pickle.

Nailed it. What do I win?