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The 6th Annual Secret Satan - NOT THIS YEAR SATAN - Gift Exchange



Had a "little" package show up at my doorstep last night :dance:
Thanks a bunch Sushi Mike!
Threw the bean soup mix in a crock pot this morning with some andouille for dinner. Will definitely be sampling the sauces with it ๐Ÿ˜
I make blackened chicken every once in a while, so I look forward to trying your Cajun seasoning blend.
What's in the Orange Mayhem?
That's a rather large "little" package :rofl:

Well done guys, we're certainly off to a great start!
:woohoo: picked up a package from Warrant Man today. So excited! Until i saw...

Oh no!

Whew...not as bad as i feared. One casualty, and Man! Did that smell terrific! Cant really see in the pic but most of the other items had sauce on them. Luckily they all has good labels and packaging. Quick rinse and all good!

Also included was a metric s#!t-tonne of chewy taffy pieces and some stickers. Maybe Reggie used taffy instead of packing peanuts? :lol:

We are already sampling the sauces.

Thanks, Reggie! We tasted the sauces, used Melvins Southern Red and Hampton Acres Carolina Classic bbq sauces on our grilled brats and buns for dinner.
Checked on the delivery status of my gift package and UPS says that damage was reported....:banghead:
Welp, package was to damaged for delivery, according to UPS, so back to square one. Dumbasses must have rolled over it...:rolleyes:
Thank goodness for insurance.
:woohoo: picked up a package from Warrant Man today. So excited! Until i saw...

Oh no!

Whew...not as bad as i feared. One casualty, and Man! Did that smell terrific! Cant really see in the pic but most of the other items had sauce on them. Luckily they all has good labels and packaging. Quick rinse and all good!

Also included was a metric s#!t-tonne of chewy taffy pieces and some stickers. Maybe Reggie used taffy instead of packing peanuts? :lol:

We are already sampling the sauces.

That's a jam packed package, great stuff Reggie. :dance:

Unfortunately, in this case the crime scene tape WAS necessary. :rofl:

It seems as though there are always casualties during our Secret Satan gift exchange. I've tried "Fragile" tape and had a casualty regardless, I've not used it since as I don't want to highlight the fragile nature of the package just in case it meets with a Grinch.

Luckily in most cases (Sorry CM), the generosity of our community usually leaves many other products intact for the recipient to enjoy.
Y'all have probably heard this one before...

Sent a Secret Santa package around Nov 27th.
Mod contacted me around Dec 29th.
Tracking showed delivered Nov 30th. Hadnt been recieved, i immediately sent another.

Package showed up July 7th....in perf3ct condition...
Long days as of recent. Came home very late today, can't really opine for "legal" reasons - but sad to say that in my regular "day job" business is thriving.... Sometimes it is "fun" being the "Warrant Man" other times not so much. Aside from that, found a box on my porch when I got home. Raining sideways now, fierce winds. The box is intact. I dare not open it yet. I'm getting out of this monkey suit, taking a very hot shower and going to bed.

I've "been served" by a "secret Satan." I end this day with a "light at the end of the tunnel." I'm off tomorrow, will hopefully sleep until my eyes pop open naturally, Only then will I open the box.

Thank you in advance.

Damn the smell of crackheads.

Well, what a treat!!

This is a mind blower, I can't recall ever having seen any pepper candy, let alone getting the chance to try some...oh man Anaheim Lime, Serrano Strawberry and Orange Habanero..

About a half-kilo of Hatch Chili powder...experiments forthcoming


Some great sounding spices :woohoo:

Some Hatch Chili salsa, might just have some tonight haha!

Some delicious looking hot sauces.

and the coup de grรขce.... This one is going in the collection!

Thank you "T" at Hell Fire Farm, very generous indeed. I look forward to trying (and sharing) it all. Happy New year!

Reggie :cheers:


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