The 7-pot Rennie

Nigel, nice work with the review and background of this newer strain out of T&T you're a pod eating machine! I have the Rennie 7 Pod growing as well in my garden and they look more like the Rennie 7 in the video more than the very nice peppers posted from either Joyners or MrBigglesworth.  I got seeds direct from Armac last year in a trade, pods are a light green color when unripe.  This seems to be a rather unstable variety if we already have several different looking pod shapes and textures.  Just wanting confirmation I have what Nigel reviewed before saving seed and attempting to clone.  Anybody seen Armac?

MisterBigglesworth said:
Brown or red?    Only time will tell. :fireball:
Will make bet with you. If red, I get free seeds from one. If brown, you can pick seeds of any type from my garden. Including an orange brain strain that seems to be original to my garden.
Actually it is great to have a new strain around and even a chocolate variant of it as well.
Doesn't need to be the official hottest, as long as it is a good superhot.
Great review and great pod.
cruzzfish said:
Will make bet with you. If red, I get free seeds from one. If brown, you can pick seeds of any type from my garden. Including an orange brain strain that seems to be original to my garden.
Sounds great, I should have plenty of seeds from the 2 plants I have that are loading up pods now.  
Beautiful Rennie pods Jamison very nice! Very cool to clone and congrats on the new pods forming. Is the clone as large as the parent plant? To mrbiggleworth I have several plants from seed and one of mine does look like your pic so not calling you out just thought I had switched plant labels.  Could be a throw back recessive gene coming out in these plants which still needs some stability.
Cappy, yes they are growing exactly the same. Pod size, color, plant growth, everything. I totally didn't want to lose this amazing phenotype. I love this pepper. Def my fav superhot!
Jamison said:
Cappy, yes they are growing exactly the same. Pod size, color, plant growth, everything. I totally didn't want to lose this amazing phenotype. I love this pepper. Def my fav superhot!
Does anyone have a picture of them grown by Sara? I had two sets of seeds part of the original source and wanted to see how close or far we all were from what they do on the island. 
Hey Chris(Joyners), I am pretty sure this is not sourced from SR and is a recent export from a individual named Rennie.  Don't think we have any pictures of it growing in T&T, just the collective results all the growers here at THP and elsewhere.  Nigel gives a good background at the beginning of the video in the OP.  Armac is the source maybe he has some pictures?
True Cappy Amac got them directly from Rennie, i had good results with them, very productive, shot plants, and extremely hot 
nice Trinidadian 
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Hey Chris(Joyners), I am pretty sure this is not sourced from SR and is a recent export from a individual named Rennie.  Don't think we have any pictures of it growing in T&T, just the collective results all the growers here at THP and elsewhere.  Nigel gives a good background at the beginning of the video in the OP.  Armac is the source maybe he has some pictures?
Sorry I confused my pods lol, I have the SR and the Rennie
So does anyone have photos grown local and from Rennie ;) My seeds are from Armac and Tex, both grew the same as pictured in this thread. 