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The 7-pot Rennie

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Beautiful Rennie pods Jamison very nice! Very cool to clone and congrats on the new pods forming. Is the clone as large as the parent plant? To mrbiggleworth I have several plants from seed and one of mine does look like your pic so not calling you out just thought I had switched plant labels.  Could be a throw back recessive gene coming out in these plants which still needs some stability.
No worries, Cappy.
I've noticed that the Rennie are setting a lot more pods than the other 7 Pots I'm growing.
cruzzfish said:
Will make bet with you. If red, I get free seeds from one. If brown, you can pick seeds of any type from my garden. Including an orange brain strain that seems to be original to my garden.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the  8x10 color glossy photographic evidence clearly shows that this is indeed a red strain.

Cruzzfish, send me a PM with your mailing address for seeds.  :hell:
MisterBigglesworth said:
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the  8x10 color glossy photographic evidence clearly shows that this is indeed a red strain.

Cruzzfish, send me a PM with your mailing address for seeds.  :hell:
Will do. I have an overabundence of peppers forming, so if anyone wants OP seeds from a possibly orange brain strain pepper(It was labeled yellow, made an orange pod in october, so it might be red), PM me in two weeks or so. I can give out about 7 orders of 10 seeds.
Mine are pale and not bumpy this year on this one plant and every pale pod I have turns peach....hmmmm

Also, these are not from last years pods but from the original seeds I got for the Rennie :) 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Mine are pale and not bumpy this year on this one plant and every pale pod I have turns peach....hmmmm
Also, these are not from last years pods but from the original seeds I got for the Rennie :)
Possible peach pale pods?     Preposterous!
Very nice photo's,   The Rennie fenotype is a very nice but scary looking pepper it has me wondering about it taste. It seems to be throughing out some different colors and shapes. but its still a very nice pepper. 
I would like to try growing a couple of plants for next year grow when ever the seeds become avaible.  I plan to just grow 6 super hots for next year all the rest will be wilds.  This weather has been so funny that most of my peppers I planted in ground in late May are just now taking off, usually they are making pods by now, instead they are just now putting out new growth with a few buds. My potted peppers are doing much better.
Here is a Rennie Brown that I picked tonight.  We had a bad storm hit our area right as I was snapping these pictures so i didn't get any of the Red pods that are still on the plant.  My Rennie Brown produces a much smaller pod and isn't as wrinkled as the Red version.  I'll snap pictures of it tomorrow.

EDIT:  Here's a picture showing my Rennie Red pods.  One pod has been slightly more elongated, but the rest are gnarled and bumpy pods that turn a very pretty red.  They are insanely hot.