food The Ambien Chef (Zolpidem) CHEFFIN'

TB was gonna start this thread but he fell asleep. Or walked out into the cold without a blanket. Maybe he's having a peyote vision quest in the back of his new Outback... Idunno.

Either way.

Cant remember what you did last night.? Cool.
Cant remember eating? Cool.
But you KNOW you did. You ate like a fat man on the Hostess tour at the Twinkie tasting.
Guy Fieri tryin to get to the QVC hair isle?
Or maybe just a fucking athlete trying to get "YOUR" Chobani Yogurt that the Russians wont let you have.

No pics are necessary, but man... The points go up here... WAAAAY UP WHAT DID YOU EAT WHEN YOU OPENED THE REFRIDGERATOR DOOR smack into yo face? (We've all done it... Even you stoners)

The Drunken Chef is for casual sippin' anymore. Have a glass of Chablis and post there.

I wanna heare the good shit lollipop smack crash bang stories about your night with too much Ambien type shit. Mac-n-cheese out of a box and spilt ALL your red savina powder on your junk? Pancakes that never got flipped and were the best "ever"? Doughnut and deermeat omellettes? C'MON MAN...

Me? Well... I ate a pickle tonite. I had to cut it up into wheels because it's hard to chew with my new teeth but i did eat. A. Pickle. Pics mañanña.

Jerry A. Tricks not allowed to post here unless you're cool. You know who you are AJ and TB.... :D
what? somethin' along these lines?
------Image removed out of fear of lack of sense of humor of members or DEA------
can't really tell what it was from what was deposited in my pants
Taking a break from watching teh most exciting olympic ice dancing competition from Sochi.
What could be more exciting than that?
Possible ambien cooking only serves to enhance one's own creative and artistic chef juices.
Gourmet artisan country potato saute featuring red and green chile melange.

Served with melted Kroger brand artisan shredded cheddar cheese aged up to 3 days on only the finest paper china.
An extremely complex cornucopia of flavors when paired with tomato vinaigrette reduction.

Bon appetito!
It is not uncommon to find unfamiliar pictures on my phone as I've become so
accustomed to photographing my food.
I don't know what I was thinking but I'm sure it was tasty!
OMG. This is friggen awesome. Tasty Delights on a bun. FTW! :rofl:

The TB has delivered! Tomato Vinaigrette reduction... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I laughed so hard I spit my teeth out. :rofl:
Chico say TB no cooking lass nigh.
Chico say only Chico wus un cocinero.
Chico say TB only uso photographia.
TB all time steal Chico idea.
Does it count if you know in advance what you are going to cook for diner, but can't remember cooking it or eating it?  I've got stuff I can't for the life of me cook when sober, but work out perfect when I'm not.  Tonight is Mexican pulled pork tacos. I won't remember cooking it and  won't know what it tastes like until we eat leftovers for lunch tomorrow.  
I say hell yes! And pics arent even really required but funny shit IS. Pictures (if any) may sure as shit be posted the next day. I know I have a hell of a time dealing with Botophucket when i see three computer screens. Lol

But to answer your question yes! If you know what you are going to cook thats cool but in no way shape or form should there step by step instructions and "post pics as you go" while sipping wine-n-sheeit.

I wanna hear about the pizza that ended upside down in the kitty litter box and the prawns that got left on the BBQ 4 hours too long but were still fantastic! Of it was fun and funny... Post it up!
Johnny Cash high.
Add that one to the THP data base of useful terminology.
That's right up there with SoFlo's Meat Liquor.