food The Ambien Chef (Zolpidem) CHEFFIN'

This was supposed to be Mexican pulled pork tacos, but the meat was cut up too small and it ended up being just chunks of meat.  Still good though, at least it was for lunch yesterday.  I have no recollection of eating it Saturday night.  But my wife had me take a pic while eating it.  
That Ambien sheeeiitt must be really bad stuff. I saw that Kennedy woman is on trial for running someone over just minutes after taking one. I gotta get me some of that and do some cooking (no driving).
JayT said:
That Ambien sheeeiitt must be really bad stuff. I saw that Kennedy woman is on trial for running someone over just minutes after taking one. I gotta get me some of that and do some cooking (no driving).
That stuff is no joke.
Swaller one and its lights out in 20 minutes or less.
You can actually feel yourself shape shifting into a bowl of kitty pee jello.