seed-train The annual Mega Seed Train 2020/2021

ahhh sorry guys i'm just sitting down to go through all the seeds; had some stuff come up with one of our processors that ive been dealing with and has been giving me crippling anxiety. it's an incredible amount to go through but I got the next 2 days off work and will have it out tomorrow :)
@ YumYum: Sorry to hear about the job scene.
Don't add more stress to your plate! Maybe sorting
pepper seeds  will be a good decompress.
RedHotChiliPeppers said:
 My goodness! I was expecting a few packs of seeds and not a monolith 1 gallon bag. 
:rofl: Hence the name MEGA Train  :rofl:
Have fun!
Fatalii_Llama said:
at this pace im gonna end up with both trains at once.... shoot lol
Have fun keeping everything separate and headed
in the right direction. That would be very challenging
for me  :rofl: at this point in my life.
That would be insane. I think splitting it up into 2 separate trains was the appropriate thing to do.
On a separate but related not, I wasn't sure what to do, but there were several labeled baggies with no seeds inside them anymore...wasn't sure whether I should have taken them out entirely, or left them in there or what the proper procedure was for that since it's the first time I am participating. I ended up leaving them in their respective larger baggies, what to do for the next round? Okay to remove them entirely? 
RedHotChiliPeppers said:
That would be insane. I think splitting it up into 2 separate trains was the appropriate thing to do.
On a separate but related not, I wasn't sure what to do, but there were several labeled baggies with no seeds inside them anymore...wasn't sure whether I should have taken them out entirely, or left them in there or what the proper procedure was for that since it's the first time I am participating. I ended up leaving them in their respective larger baggies, what to do for the next round? Okay to remove them entirely? 
For the sake of full disclosure, I took a couple "full" bags from A train (all fewer than 10 seeds). I did not leave the packaging behind but would be happy to submit what I took with photos if someone needs it for documentation purposes.
Jeffcontonio said:
At one point we considered combining both trains into one larger one. It’s a good thing we didn’t. That would be insane!
I agree this is best. This way if one goes missing,
we still have the other one.
That would be one large package!
Holy cow... it took me 7 hours to go through it all xD there's gotta be at least 140 different varieties in the B train. 
Train just got Vac sealed so it can fit back in a mailer xD and is getting back on the tracks right now!
I'll update tracking when I get back from dropping it off. 
Having both the trains arrive at the same time is going to be overwhelming for someone xD this thing could probably be split into 2 packages.
Thanks for being understanding everyone!! It was super therapeutic to sit and sort seeds... My processor finally admitted after 11 months that they didn't have batch numbers or know how much product was disbursed to me, because what I got and their yield projections are off by 50-100%


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1. Jeffcontonio —-(station)
2. Heatmiser —-[emoji2402][emoji3514]
3. Midwestchilihead [emoji2402][emoji3514]
4. Harry_dangler [emoji2402][emoji3514]
5. Pshngo [emoji2402][emoji3514]
6. Sergeant pepper[emoji2402][emoji3514]
7. RedHotChiliPeppers[emoji2402][emoji3514]
8. Suezotiger
9. Fatalii Llama
10. tylerdodd25_92
11. Yumyumyellow [emoji2403][emoji3514][emoji3592]
12. Hardcore [emoji2403][emoji3514]
13. Paul g[emoji2403][emoji3514]
14. Sinn [emoji2403][emoji3514]
15. Pepperfish [emoji2403][emoji3514]
16. Edaxflamma [emoji2403][emoji3514]
17. TexasHotPeppers—[emoji2403][emoji3514]
18. Hillbilly Jeff [emoji2403][emoji3514]
19. Jeff contonio (Station)
1. Jeffcontonio —-(station)
2. Heatmiser —-[emoji2402][emoji3514]
3. Midwestchilihead [emoji2402][emoji3514]
4. Harry_dangler [emoji2402][emoji3514]
5. Pshngo [emoji2402][emoji3514]
6. Sergeant pepper[emoji2402][emoji3514]
7. RedHotChiliPeppers[emoji2402][emoji3514][emoji3593]
8. Suezotiger [emoji2402]
9. Fatalii Llama
10. tylerdodd25_92
11. Yumyumyellow [emoji2403][emoji3514][emoji3592]
12. Hardcore [emoji2403][emoji3514]
13. Paul g[emoji2403][emoji3514]
14. Sinn [emoji2403][emoji3514]
15. Pepperfish [emoji2403][emoji3514]
16. Edaxflamma [emoji2403][emoji3514]
17. TexasHotPeppers—[emoji2403][emoji3514]
18. Hillbilly Jeff [emoji2403][emoji3514]
19. Jeff contonio (Station)
So guys little bit of a depressing morning. I got the dreaded arriving late message from usps. Looks like it hasn't left Virgina yet.last time I got this message the priority package took 14 days to be delivered. The usps has really been messing up on my end. I don't know if anyone else has be affected but I just wanted to let you all know.


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Hopefully they get it back on track. I can’t imagine they could lose a package that size, but stranger things have happened. I’ll keep an eye on the tracking and see what happens.
Honestly, I let slip what the contents were when I was being friendly with the lady, there's a fair chance that happened; please post a picture of what the package looks like when/if it arrives. 
RedHotChiliPeppers said:
Probably the USPS person having a go at the pepper varieties. Just give him a few days to pick his favorites and it will be on the way with haste.  :surprised: