food The Art Of Blackening

Okay, so we're having a healthy debate on the different styles and methods of blackening food. Post your pics and recipes for blackened ANYTHING here!
Rule #1......MUST use Cast Iron Skillet!

Rule#2.......Finish in broiler on Cedar Plank

Rule#3.......Creat your own Blackend Seasoning with SUPER HOTS!! :) :)
Is that pan for real glowin red or did you forget to turn on the red eye reduction on your camera?
I'd slap that sammich with my tongue!
I love blackend catfish...and that's the only way I'll eat it.

Carry on. I'm watching this one
So I spent just a few minutes looking for my old blackened catfish post.

Then I said to myself "THE HAIL WITH THIS - - - - I'm really too drunkft to care!!!!" Maybe mañana..... maybe! :lol:

Oh..... and me? Again? I'm going caliber-hunting again tomorrow. So we'll see if my care-er about blackening food re-emerges after that.....

Just sayin'..... LOL
So I spent just a few minutes looking for my old blackened catfish post.

Then I said to myself "THE HAIL WITH THIS - - - - I'm really too drunkft to care!!!!" Maybe mañana..... maybe! :lol:

LMAO!!!! I did the same thing! Tomorrow!!!!!! :cheers: :drunk:

CHEERS buddy!

Got the skillet out and everything.... then said "phuket"!
ah.... my bad!!! MISS Chicky Boom Geeme!!!! Gotcha!!!!!

Hey... at least I didn't say "dude"... now I know!
Blackening is exactly as Scovie posted.

Dredge the fish in melted butter, then press the fish into the spice rub (or pat the spices on like Scovie) for an even coating. Then, sear in a CI pan on medium-high heat, flipping when the edges of the fish start to rise from the pan, around 1-2 minutes per side depending on size.

NO oil ever. The point of the butter dredge is that it also acts as the cooking medium, but it is under the spices, so the first contact with the hot pan is the spices, which form a crust as the butter quickly soaks into them for a perfect golden brown crust with some char.

Scovie's method above is SPOT ON but I don't like my pan that hot, I prefer a medium-high heat as to not singe the spices upon contact. On medium-high it gives the butter a chance to soak in so less char, but his method is 100% correct. THAT is blackening and don't let no one tell you different!
That's exactly what I've been saying, boss man!!!!! The butter adds the lube so the meat doesn't stick. With oil, you're pan frying. With butter, you're blackening!
Plus.... butter also adds flavor... oil just adds lube.

For my blackened chicken, I butterfly a breast, dredge it in butter and let it cool until the butter gets back close to solid, then HEAVILY dust with blackened seasoning, then throw in the smoky hot pan for just a couple of minutes on each side..... c'est magnifique!!!!
your finished meat should never be "black", per se... blackened is a seasoning, not a finished color!
You got it Phil!

And like I said my man, golden brown with some char. ;)

Scovie's method, spot on. Pan, too hot (for me). :)
Yep... but Scovie's got the method down pat! He's a Louisiana man at heart! Tomorrow, it's ON!!! Pictures of a coon asses' blackened catfish will be posted!

BTW.... not sure how much coon ass there is in me.... I just learned tonight that I may actually be descended from the Cherokee indian chief John Ridge..... Looking into it.....
Just noticed you're in LA. So you know. You should slap anyone one here telling you to use oil, lol.

And yeah, Scovie must be Cajun. Or Mexican. Or an egg.
lol.... nah.... I don't mind other input. That's how we learn. But when I know I'm right, dammit, I'm right! You can mimic blackening, or you can blacken!!!!

Scovie's Scovie... and we love him for it!