food The Art Of Blackening

I went looking for pics of the 3 brats I left on the grill for about 3 hours...then I realized that was pre-THP. Oh well, my family won't let me live it down, but that's not such a bad thing. I'm no longer allowed to cook brats on the grill. :woohoo:

Guess how often we have brats now? ;) :lol:

3 hour brats? Now THAT'S BLACKENED!!!! lol!

Here in Florida we have quite a Redfish Fishery :) Allows me to make this dish quite often :) Its recreational only though, so you HAVE to catch it yourself, no Publix or any supermarkets can legally buy/sell it cus of its "Game Fish" status....

My personal favorite way to cook redfish is grilled on the half-shell.... love that BBQ flavor!
yep, I think that took "blackened" to a Whole New Level, but hey, you did say post "anything blackened" !!! :lol:
I did indeed... I even caps'ed ANYTHING!!! So it counts! :rofl:

My etouffee is just about ready... waiting on the rice, then I'm gonna blacken some catfish.... ready to choke everyone here with the fumes!

Coated with butter and heavily dusted with blackened seasoning (store bought)


to the searing hot skillet.....


Flip em.....


Plate 'em...


I didn't get to do the oil method yet... only had three filets, and Allison's mom showed up.... next time I will
I hear what you are saying THP, but I tell you, you can "blacken" in oil.




That doesn't look blackened to me it almost looks like burned breadcrumbs because the spices fried in oil. No way that tastes as good as letting the butter soak into the spices, it also softens any areas of char.

Look here:

I did indeed... I even caps'ed ANYTHING!!! So it counts! :rofl:

My etouffee is just about ready... waiting on the rice, then I'm gonna blacken some catfish.... ready to choke everyone here with the fumes!

Coated with butter and heavily dusted with blackened seasoning (store bought)


to the searing hot skillet.....


Flip em.....


Plate 'em...


I didn't get to do the oil method yet... only had three filets, and Allison's mom showed up.... next time I will

TEXTBOOK blackening right there. Golden brown buttery goodness with nice charred areas softened from the butter.
I wouldn't call the last 2 pics from Phil "golden brown", they look just as black/charred as the other oil pics, especially the plated pic. Looks pretty charred....not "buttery brown".....

and Yes, I know blackened is supposed to be dark.....just mincing words....
Hey SL I guess use the term golden brown wrong, it is lighter than I think. Like a hush puppy I guess. Whatever "color" that is above it is properly blackened in my book. The char is softened from the butter and the other areas to me are golden. The butter does that. Golden black? ;)
'Golden Black"? That's a new one! :lol: Gonna have to try and work that into a DC or TD post soon!

I like the charred bits. Hubby does a perfect steak for me every time. Crispy bits on the outside and edges, nice medium rare on the inside. Try to get one of THOSE at Ruth'sChris.
Yeah yeah the char is good! Sorry I'm so against the oil here peeps but I don't think that is true blackening. You can cook ribs in the oven, but would you say you made BBQ ribs? I'm sure the "sauteed Cajun catfish" is good, but the butter adds so much. Flavor. Doesn't taste fried, more clean tasting. Softens the charred bits.

The freakin' BEST is blackened dolphinfish (mahi mahi) on a bun with L&T. So damn good! Even better than blackened catfish, as I like my catfish fried.

I bet Sum would agree.
Well, folks being aware of the differences of "process" and "description" is a big point.

While my 3-hour Brats may fall under the description of "blackened brats", they definitely don't qualify under the blackened "process" criteria. :lol: Just like a person can cook ribs in the oven with bbq sauce, but that doesn't make them BBQ ribs according to any number of bbq process descriptions.

So I'll leave y'all to debate the butter-v-oil issue and make sure the next time Scovie cooks whatever he cooked in the CI, I "happen" to stop by.......;)
I want to post some up soon, the good weather is coming, and I have to put my money where my mouth is. 'Cept I wanna do mahi mahi.

Nice topic here Phil!
Those both look amazing! I have not been trying to say that doing it with butter is wrong, or that oil is better, just that blackening with oil is still blackening. I give you Meriman Webster's definition of blackening taken from

Definition of BLACKENED
: coated with a mixture of spices (as garlic powder and cayenne pepper) and fried over extremely high heat

I mean, if you make jerk chicken by marinating it in a bottled jerk marinade then grill it with propane instead of making a paste and cooking it over pimento wood, it is still jerk chicken isn't it? If you make a pork butt on the grill rather than smoking it over hard wood charcoal it is still bbq isn't it? By my definition if you use blackened seasoning and cook it over high heat it is still blackened.

Oh, and I don't know where or how you see breadcrumbs in my chicken THP, but I assure you there are none.

Carry on.
Those both look amazing! I have not been trying to say that doing it with butter is wrong, or that oil is better, just that blackening with oil is still blackening. I give you Meriman Webster's definition of blackening taken from http://www.merriam-w...nary/blackened:

Definition of BLACKENED
: coated with a mixture of spices (as garlic powder and cayenne pepper) and fried over extremely high heat

I mean, if you make jerk chicken by marinating it in a bottled jerk marinade then grill it with propane instead of making a paste and cooking it over pimento wood, it is still jerk chicken isn't it? If you make a pork butt on the grill rather than smoking it over hard wood charcoal it is still bbq isn't it? By my definition if you use blackened seasoning and cook it over high heat it is still blackened.

Oh, and I don't know where or how you see breadcrumbs in my chicken THP, but I assure you there are none.

Carry on.

I agree with you here JayT.... I'm not trying to say one or the other is right or wrong or whatnot. That's why I titled the thread the art of blackening, not the right way to blacken. This thread is to post different methods. I personally prefer butter dredge for the flavor, and it minimizes the greasiness of the finished dish. BUT.... technically, any oil medium will do for the purpose of crusting the seasonings to the meat, provided there is sufficient heat.

There are tons of blackened meat recipes that call for coating the meat with canola or peanut oil prior to seasoning. Same thing as oil in the skillet, just less of it. Matter of fact, that's how I do my filet mignon on the grill.... coat with canola, kosher salt, fresh cracked pepper, crust it up over super hot charcoal.

You should try butterlying that chicken breast next time you cook one... awesomeness over a plate of alfredo pasta!

I got that black skillet so hot, that even though we had the windows open, it still choked everyone in the house! lol

And thanks for the vote of confidence THP, but I agree with SL a bit on mine... it did come out a tad more charred than I wanted, but it didn't taste burnt at all.

Well, folks being aware of the differences of "process" and "description" is a big point.

While my 3-hour Brats may fall under the description of "blackened brats", they definitely don't qualify under the blackened "process" criteria. :lol: Just like a person can cook ribs in the oven with bbq sauce, but that doesn't make them BBQ ribs according to any number of bbq process descriptions.

Ribs done in the oven is a sin! Another debate thread! 3-2-1 method! :dance:

First attempt at balckened style done for the SOTM. Going to have another crack at tomorrow for lunch.

Butter Method



And Booma's still looks freakin amazing!
The dicussions on blackening has learned me a lot. I learned that I have used blackening seasoning, but have never truely blackened. Thanks to this thread with the sweet techniques I ain't scurred no more.
HOLY SHIT! :rofl: JayT resorted to Webster's to see how to blacken!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! POST GOLD! I never thought to look in the dictionary for authentic cooking styles. BWAHAHAHA.

JayT just out-JayTeed himself.
1.6 lb. Rib Eye Steak. check
Garlic Butter. check
Spicy Cajun/Mesquite Rub. check
Hot-ass CI. check







More pics coming, the cow is resting rite now....
Holy crap.... clear the way! Scovie's making blackened steak!!!!! Mrs. Scovie is gonna be pissed.... I only see one steak!
HAHAHAHAHHAA, No, CJ only eats a little bit so I whacked cut off some of my meat Steak to share with her.

This thing was huge. But it's gone now!
Served with Roasted Garlic New Potatoes and Asparagus.


Finished on the Grill for about 15 minutes to 120º...

Let it rest for about 20 minutes





This how we clean non seasoned CI up here in Methow Holler after burning most of the crap off...
nice........ lookin Home Depot shirt ya got there.

So let me get this straight.... you whacked off your meat for Missus Scovie to eat, then you cooked yourself a roast???????

and that's one fine looking steak roast!