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The Best C. Pubescens Ever!!

From a guy who couldn't grow a decent plant of this species for years, I found one that is marvelous. Jan's Giant Yellow Rocoto. ***, one that actually sets pods and tons of them. The plant as become a shrub and literally has maybe 100 pods on it. First year plant too. Absolutely unheard of for this species.

You bet I'll rip it out of the ground to try to overwinter!


What kind of climate are you in? Pubescens are meant to be resilient to light frosts. I've heard stories of some peoples Pubescens lasting for 7+ years in Melbourne, and they even produce pods over winter.

I've decided to grow 3 Pubescens in 64L buckets, Manzano Red, Rocoto Peron and Rocoto Orange. If anyone has any other types of pubescens, please let me know ;)
I live in zone 6B (last frost May 20th - June 1st, first frost usually early to mid-October). Last year, we got super lucky and last frost was early November! This species DOES NOT do well in my area so it's shocking to me.

BUT, of course, the pepper maggots are all over the pods. I hate those damn pests. They ruin so many non-habanero type pods. They make gardening much less enjoyable in Michigan for us now.

Great plant, congrats. I'd surely overwinter this one, too. I'll overwinter my most prolific Rocotos this season, they are surprisingly great producers already and I hope they'll do even better next year.
Massive pubes? you better cut them back. looks nicer. :D
Anyhow, looks really impressive. haven't grown any yet, but will soon. :)
heck, I am almost 60 years old and haven't gotten pubes to grow yet...