The Best tasting home dried spice is ______.

Fresh pepper? As in not dried? What the *&^%?

Okay, so you want to know what herbs and spices are good? Depends on what you're cooking, and they are all better if you grow them yourself!
Sorry guess I was confusing there. What homegrown and DRIED, are better than store bought dried.

The reason for asking was that I found Black pepper is supposed to have a much better taste homegrown and dried than store bought. Which I guess makes sense but i never really thought about it, I was wondering if there was anything else i was missing out on besides the usual basil, oregano, parsley, chives, dill, rosemary.

I would assume most would be better homegrown but has anyone ever had something that really surprised them how good it was homegrown over store bought.
Homegrown and dried basil is far, far better than what I can buy in a store.

One thing I do, though, is I very slowly dry the leaves and then put them in a jar without crushing them, to help preserve some of the oils. When it's time to use, then I crush/chop/whatever them.
This doesn't quite qualify as home grown, but Tasmanian Peppercorns (pepper berries) are delicious, they grow wild in the mountains on the east coast. Everytime I go to Tasmania I grab a few jars full.
Also, Citron (a lemon like citrus thats dried rind is used in Japanese cooking) is AMAZINGLY addictive. Plants are a real pain to get hold of though.
in my experience any sort of ingredient you can grow yourself and process yourself is way better than anything you can get at the store. you what you put in it for one thing. and you're sure you grew it to the best of your capacity.
I agree with everyone else that anything homegrown and dried is better, but there is one herb that really surprised me - thyme. Before growing my own, I never really used it much, and didn't think the store bought dried thyme had much flavor. When I dehydrated my first batch, I was amazed at how much flavor it had, and how much brighter green mine was than the stuff from the store. Now it is my favorite herb, and I use it in just about everything I cook.
Sorry guess I was confusing there. What homegrown and DRIED, are better than store bought dried.

Pepper has over 200 active compounds which attribute to the taste. The compounds break down very quickly. This is why freshly cracked pepper is no comparison to pre-ground pepper.

(also, cbf reading the whole post so sorry if someone already mentioned this :P )
Anything homegrown and freshly dried is going to be better than dried and ground store bought.

That's why I keep basil, chives, peppermint and lemon balm around the house for cooking and tea.
They're all better fresh (home grown). But by far the two that I swear by, GARLIC POWDER, and CUMIN.
The garlic just gets sliced and sundried. I do about 5 heads at a time, peel, slice each clove, leave in the sun (about a day), or in the oven or dehydrator.
Put in a spice grinder or coffee grinder BAM!
Cumin, I just buy the whole cumin seed, but by just grinding it yourself it a world of difference.
I don't know anything about growing Black Pepper corns.
I know JT LOL!!! After my last sentence I ended it with "Ask geeme" but i deleted it at the last minute.
Now that I've actually said it, I'm afraid for my life!