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The C.eximium Project

I wanted to start a separate Glog just for this project. Sorry Jamie, not photos yet.... :party:
I love wild Capsicum species, but C.eximium is one of my favorites. For 2014 I wanted to find as many C.eximium as I could and grow them all out.
My hope is to examine the flowers in detail, using a dissecting microscope. It is possible that I may also be able to get some DNA sequencing done, but that is not certain for now.
Here`s the list of what seeds I have so far. 
CAP 500
CAP 1491
CAP 1530
CGN 19198
CGN 21502
CGN 24332 (not buforum)
C.eximium from the UK (maybe CAP 500 or CGN 21502???)
C.eximium (www.semillas.de)
C.eximium from Bolivia (Tarija region)
C.eximium from Bolivia #2 (La Paz region)
The only one I don`t have that is rare, but found among some people in the chile community is CAP503. If you have this one please let me know. If you can share, I will endow you with dozens of seeds from all over the world  :P
C.eximium tomentosum has been redescribed as the new species C.eshbaughii and isn`t available. 
There are also 5 eximiums in the USDA database that are unavailable.
PI 645681 
Grif 15935
PI 596051
PI 596053
PI 596062
Thanks Nigel, I learn something new every day, I was under the assumption that rhomboideum was from eastern Brazil as it was 2=26 on the chromosome count, like some of the other Eastern Brazilian species, who would have guessed that it was from mexico. Just goes to show you that you should never make a assumption without prior knowledge.
Things are going well and I have more sprouts. 
CAP 503
CAP 1530
CGN 24332 (not buforum)
Bolivian C.eximium (Tarija region)
CGN 21502
C.eximium (semillas.de)
Large Rocopica (Prodigal_son)
Large Rocopica (Brian Holmes at Ghostpepperstore.com)
Small Rocopica (cmpman1974)
Photos to follow.
Portuge said:
Nigel, I dont know squat about rock wool but isnt the ph too high at 7?
Not really. They will germinate and grow a little in this (fueled by the cotyledons), but I`ll transplant them, with the rockwool, as per usual and that will take care of any potential issues with pH. 
Some photos required, I guess. 
To date, I have the following C.eximium types germinated and doing well. I have just re-sowed seeds for CAP 1491 and C.eximium from semillas.de. 
CAP 500
CAP 503
CAP 1530
CGN 19198
CGN 21502
CGN 24332 (not buforum)
C.eximium from the UK (maybe CAP 500 or CGN 21502???)
C.eximium from Bolivia (Tarija region)
C.eximium from Bolivia #2 (La Paz region)
I also have 2 small plants of C.cardenasii, which I`ll add to this GLOG. 
Wild Tray #1

Wild Tray #2

CAP 503.

CAP 1530

CGN 19198

C.eximium from the Tarija region of Bolivia

CGN 21502


Rockwool for germination
A couple of observations on using Rockwool for germination etc. It`s a very good medium overall, but with a few small drawbacks.
If you buy the sheets, leave the sheet intact. Separating the individual blocks gives all sorts of problems with trying to keep the level of dampness constant. If you leave the entire block intact and put it in a standard size seedling tray (with no drainage holes), keeping the dampness both reasonable and constant is extremely easy to do. 
You will get more helmet-heads than soil, especially from very small seeds, such as C.lanceolatum and C.rhomboideum. 
The seedlings tend to get leggy and grow much more slowly, regardless of the intensity of light you give them. They need to be fed very early. I`d recommend at the point of the first true leaves. I found that 1/10 the normal concentration of ferts helped enormously. 
When you transplant into soil, you will get lots of algae formed on the rockwool. You then need to balance the watering schedule very careful at first, to avoid damping-off fungus also growing with the algae. 
If your plants do not have roots through the bottom of the block, they will dry out in a few hours after transplanting to soil. Do not leave them long between slight watering of the rockwool block.
Portuge said:
Woohoo Nigel, awesome wilds you got going on
Thanks, I appreciate it very much!!! I should probably add my Rocopicas here, as well. 
I`ll leave this GLOG for C.eximium, Rocopica and C.cardenasii, but I have a number of other wilds doing well. I guess I`ll put these in my main GLOG. 
Looks like they are doing well in the rock wool, the eximiums and cardenasii are hairy little fellers, can't wait to see what they look like once they have grown and put out their unusual flowers.
Looking good Nigel. With all this planting going on during this time of year I don't know how any of us find time to post. Thanks for the advice on the Rockwool, now I know where I went wrong with it.
Little ones are looking great! My 19198s are growing like weeds...so is the 1530. The ones simply labeled C. Eximium...they're just creeping along but looking good doing it. Will be cool to cross reference off yours with habit, growth rate, and production. Funny thing with my 1530s, I had about 6 sprout but the hook would grow into a loop, which would keep getting bigger. They couldn't pull the coty's free of the seed shell, and also couldn't pull the seed shell out of the soil. So they ended up looking like a tiny coiled hose maybe 3" long on top of the pellet. Eventually the coty's would rot in the shell under the soil, they'd wither and die. I finally helped one stand upright and removed the seed case and it took off. Have any of yours done that?
No, Shane, but I used Rockwool, so a good number of them came up with helmet-heads anyway. I tried to be careful removing them, but I did kill a few. I actually killed all my lanceolatums and rhomboideums trying to remove helmets. 
My 19198s are also growing quickly, but some birds got my 1530s and CGN 21502s as well (and Cumari pollux and C.galapagoense). I just started more seeds for those. I also have 2 over wintered CAP 1530 plants that are doing well. 
I have a good number of CAP 1530 seeds from last season`s pods, if you need any.
Where did you get the ones just labelled C.eximium from, if you don`t mind me asking?
Pr0digal_son said:
Those seeds were 21502 Shane.
Haha...thanks John!!! Check my Glog for Tovarii news brotha! Nigel...I have an extra Galapa if you want it. I already have two inground and still another in the grow room. I also now have two of the 21502s up and running and more may pop...will gladly give up one of them as well. Both still very small though. All my wilds are from John...very kickass care package from him. 