annuum The Cayenne List

How many different variety of cayenne can we come up with.  Hopefully this will go over better than the jalapeno.  There I think we stalled at yellow.  Here goes.

Golden Cayenne
Charleston Hot and the Carolina Cayenne – developed by the USDA and Clemson University
Both are said to be hotter than a traditional cayenne with the Carolina Cayenne said to be 2-3 times as hot. The Charleston’s also have a unique tip that kind of resembles a shishito pepper. Even though I’m in the same state, I’m yet to try either… go figure!
Wow, I have only ever seen reds, generally popular in the box stores, etc. forever.   Have grown cowhorns in the past that seemed like a cayenne on steroids, but not sure there is a direct family link there.  They did really well here.  Would like to see some pics and/or info on the others you are coming up there.
Purple Haze Cayenne 
nice purple flowers, dark stems, and thin pods that ripen from purple to red often keeping their purple calyx 


in my opinion they are only good tasting when fully ripe  :neutral:   but they dry easily enough, and make a tasty hot powder 