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The Chronicles of JayT

Once when I was living in the big dry ditch of Las Vegas, JayT came to visit.
I served him some queso con chorizo that had a metric shit ton (Official SoFlo Measurement) of Alabama Jacks trinidad scorpion puree.
Afterwards, he excused himself to freshen up in my guest bathroom facility.
He was gone for about 15 minutes and I'm pretty sure he was in there rubbing one out.
Here's the miracle that happened after that y'all....
Dude came out of the bathroom holding a new born baby that had the skin color and texture of a freshly made hotdog.
He than began suckling the newborn baby on one of his man titties, the one that squirts hotdog water.
He actually has 3 man titties.
The other two squirt cheap box wine and beer.
A few days later I heard that he sold the baby to the government for scientific 'speriments n' sheeit.
That was several years ago.
The other day I was passing down aisle 32 at my local Try-N-Save while grocery shopping.
Aisle 32 is where they have the baby diapers and you won't believe this but....
I saw a display for Hotdog Scented Huggies.
I shinola you not.
True story.