Hows everyone's winter going? Thought I'd give everyone an update on this part of the process. As I said before, things got slowed down a bit due to a freak frost that hit the mothers before I had them dug up, but overall we skated through by the skin of our teeth

Here is the Fatalli mother.
The red Fatalli mother
The Aribibi Gusano mother (remember the one with the bamboo shade roof)
Here's where the luck and a little patience starts saving Im telling you, I was shocked when I found these plants froze over...
The White Bullet mother
The Bhut Jolokia mother ( 4 visible shoots near the scary there for a month)
And just by the skin of our teeth... The Trinidad Scorpion ... (one shoot near the base...CRAZY)
Needless to say, once these girls have enough foliage, I will be taking cuttings and rooting them immediately. I love these girls here and I know they will do just fine with some tender care.
You see, while pepper plants are perenials, much of thier tissue above soil is more like that of a tender perenial. Meaning that when it is exposed to frost or below freezing weather, the tissue dies and cannot be reused next spring. The plant will be forced to create new shoots and branches. Well what does that mean for the pepper gardener? It just means be careful how much you prune, or damage to the point of death. I would never take any more than the braches and levels at which you see here in my photos. In many cases, small shoots of growth and new buds will re generate nutrient highways back up a thought to be dead stem. Usually when they become very thick and woody, like these, the inside wont ever really go completely dormant. This means, that while there arent any new shoots at the top of the plant, it doesn't mean it wont happen. Once new leaves begin to form from anywhere on the plant, they will super charge this proccess, making it possible for the rest of the plant to vegetate.
All in all, considering the circumstances, Im happy with the outcome. Most of the plants that did well despite the frost are flowering...
and I will probably have peppers to enjoy within a month or two

And even though I have plenty pure, seed storage of these genetics, its great to know that the original plants live on and will be the monsterous trees they deserve to be this summer!
I'll keep this thing going until set out this spring. This thread will show at least one full cycle of the entire process of overwintering, hopefully providing some informative entertainment along the way! lol Damn frost...