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The Fatalii Complex...Yellow, Red and Chocolate

I assume that the yellow came first and then a red and chocolate cultivar were created....is this right? Or, are they distinct geographical variants of one another (no human intervention/ selective cross breeding). It seems like the trend with superhots is the normal colored variety and then the development of red, browns (choc.)and other colors. Just some observations that are not based upon fact but rather my own speculation.

I'd be interested to hear some background info on the "fatalii complex".

Also, when did the fatalii become "known" or " recognized in the hot pepper growing world?
Well Pete,I'm anxiously awaiting an answer to your question myself!All I have is green now myself...Reminds me of my incompleat penny collection when I was a paperboy!Sucks how this stuff can come back and haunt ya eh!
It's a Chinense. If not to human intervention it wouldn't have existed at all, no matter what color.
I believe the yellow fatalii is the original and likely the only one to originate from Africa, and its been around the pepper trading/selling world for many years now.
Btw, there is a golden fatalii as well;)
Omri said:
It's a Chinense. If not to human intervention it wouldn't have existed at all, no matter what color.

Omri does this mean all chinense are man made? Thanks man.

So there's gold, yellow, chocolate and red Fatalii's? Is the heat the same for all of them?

patrick said:
Omri does this mean all chinense are man made? Thanks man.

So there's gold, yellow, chocolate and red Fatalii's? Is the heat the same for all of them?


To some degree yes. Every Annuum, Frutescen, and Chinense came from a tepin like pepper in the wild. Some have been bred a lot. Others have only been bred a little. But all have had some human intervention.
alawn said:
To some degree yes. Every Annuum, Frutescen, and Chinense came from a tepin like pepper in the wild. Some have been bred a lot. Others have only been bred a little. But all have had some human intervention.
Even the "wild" Tepin isn't all that wild.
Once upon a time was the first chile plant. it didn't look like any modern chile, didn't have any heat, leaves were different, seeds were different and the pods had practically no flesh and just "skin" to hold the seeds. those pods were carried by flying creatures (not birds though) to far places, where the climate was different. those chiles learn to adapt, but still were pretty much the same. after a while those chiles that adapted became different species. today most wild species have few variations if any... the chiles you see today including the "wild" Tepin are cultivars.
Well some species have been isolated in remote areas such as Capsicum Villosum and they show some pretty weird qualities that let you look back to how chiles once looked like.
Thanks all of you.

I read something about a researcher/scientist(?) who was traveling through Africa or South America looking for a wild chili's that had no heat. It is supposedly the oldest ancestor of today's modern chili's. I imagine I read it from a link I found on this site. Interesting reading for sure.
Here guys.....C.Villosum..First time pictures have been seen Here.Hope you enjoy.

Wildfire Chilli Australia said:
They are gorgeous! I wish we were allowed to import more species into Australia!
Even if you could? where would you find Capsicum Villosum? lol.
I have no idea! :rolleyes: Will have to go on a trek when I'm old and retired and look for some (if they aren't extinct by then).;)
But there have been a few wild ones that I have seen for swap/sale that I would love to have but can't because of Quarantine :(
Wildfire Chilli Australia said:
I have no idea! :rolleyes: Will have to go on a trek when I'm old and retired and look for some (if they aren't extinct by then).;)
But there have been a few wild ones that I have seen for swap/sale that I would love to have but can't because of Quarantine :(
lol, you're not allowed to import seeds here as well. with that said, I have a collection of literally hundreds of specimens and they're not exactly local. :lol:
Omri said:
lol, you're not allowed to import seeds here as well. with that said, I have a collection of literally hundreds of specimens and they're not exactly local. :lol:

Cool! Well between you and me (and I guess the whole pepper forum) I am actually trying to get some sent at the moment in a sneakily way :hell: Hope it works!!!
If I'm not mistaken I've had the chance to send seeds to Oz and can't recall any complain regarding the customs, so they must have got in.

I've had endless packages go through customs, but just as many were confiscated... grr...
Omri said:
If I'm not mistaken I've had the chance to send seeds to Oz and can't recall any complain regarding the customs, so they must have got in.

I've had endless packages go through customs, but just as many were confiscated... grr...

Oh I can get all the domesticated species and quite a few others but not many wild ones. I have only had 1 package confiscated and that was from China, they reckon there are too many diseases or something over there? And I have had 1 package lost in the post but don't think quarantie have it as they send letters if they confiscate it.