The Fatalii Family

By pure luck and people`s huge generosity, I ended up with the opportunity to try 4 different colours of Fatalii today. White (from Aji Joe), Yellow (from Judy at, Red (mine) and Chocolate (Darthpepper). 
So here`s a quick video teaser for now and I`ll put all 4 of the reviews in this thread.
Did I say how much I love Fataliis??????????????
The White Fatalii from Aji Joe. 
Beautiful looking AND tasting pepper. Thick walls, juicy, sweet and lots of lemony flavor mixed with a really clean and delicious chinense flavour. At around half as hot as an orange habanero, you will love this pepper if you are still alive. If not, maybe Zombies would like it too? All i know is I want more and more and more.................
That white fatalii sounds great. Think I'll have to look into getting some soon. I've loved the yellow and cream fatalii's I've tried, and also all white's I've tried (7's,bhuts and habs). And if they're only half as hot as orange habs, sounds like something my wife would try too. Great review Nigel!
The Red Fatalii. This one had a different burn. Initially it absolutely shredded the back of my throat, but thankfully only for about 30-40 seconds. It was a very painful 30-40 seconds, though. Then it moved to the tongue and burned like the Yellow, only it was hotter than the Yellow one.

Wustenfuchs said:
Hey this "live broadcast" is really cool Nigel!  Great reviews!   :dance:
Glad you like it. I thought if i was quick with the editing, I could just about pull it off in a day.
And finally, The Chocolate Fatalii. This was sent to me by Darthpepper and all the Miller family! Thanks a lot guys!!!
I was surprised by the Red Fatalii and even more by the Chocolate Fatalii. As a general rule, I like red pods more than chocolate pods of the same variety. Not this time. I loved the Chocolate Fatalii and could not decide between the red and the chocolate versions.
The Chocolate Fatalii was sweet, fruity had huge chinense flavour and was pretty darn hot, too. The burn was similar to the Yellow and White in that is attacked my tongue the most and gave a general mouth burn, but it was waaay hotter than the yellow and still hotter than the red fatalii. This is an awesome variety. And hot, did I mention how hot it was???

Huge thanks to Aji Joe, Judy and Darthpepper for the opportunity to try these varieties of the Fatalii. 
Hi Nigel, great videos.  I found the yellow fatalii to be extremely productive.  It also overwintered outside with no effort while others didn't so it is quite robust, an awesome friend in the garden.
Just looking at the pods the red and yellow look very similar and I can imagine the red being a mutation of the yellow.  My question though is what makes this the "fatalii family" of peppers?  Starting from the yellow are the others crossed to introduce colors or natural mutations or is something else going on I am not privy to?  If I found a caramel pepper with a slightly citrusy flavor that was shaped like a yellow fatalii what would stop me from declaring it a caramel fatalii?  Just from taste are you comfortable all these fataliis are genetically related?
Robisburning said:
Hi Nigel, great videos.  I found the yellow fatalii to be extremely productive.  It also overwintered outside with no effort while others didn't so it is quite robust, an awesome friend in the garden.
Just looking at the pods the red and yellow look very similar and I can imagine the red being a mutation of the yellow.  My question though is what makes this the "fatalii family" of peppers?  Starting from the yellow are the others crossed to introduce colors or natural mutations or is something else going on I am not privy to?  If I found a caramel pepper with a slightly citrusy flavor that was shaped like a yellow fatalii what would stop me from declaring it a caramel fatalii?  Just from taste are you comfortable all these fataliis are genetically related?
^^^ That chocolate looks like an entirely different beast. I would venture that it is more Ghost than Fatalii. 
thegreenman said:
^^^ That chocolate looks like an entirely different beast. I would venture that it is more Ghost than Fatalii. 
i know what you mean, but there wasn`t a single bit of Naga/Bhut flavour in that pepper. It tasted very similar to the Red Fatalii. 
Robisburning said:
Hi Nigel, great videos.  I found the yellow fatalii to be extremely productive.  It also overwintered outside with no effort while others didn't so it is quite robust, an awesome friend in the garden.
Just looking at the pods the red and yellow look very similar and I can imagine the red being a mutation of the yellow.  My question though is what makes this the "fatalii family" of peppers?  Starting from the yellow are the others crossed to introduce colors or natural mutations or is something else going on I am not privy to?  If I found a caramel pepper with a slightly citrusy flavor that was shaped like a yellow fatalii what would stop me from declaring it a caramel fatalii?  Just from taste are you comfortable all these fataliis are genetically related?
The Red Fatalii seems to be just as productive, in my hands. 
You raise some good questions. Based purely on flavour, the outlier here would be the White Fatalii. It`s also the one I don`t know much background on. This one was developed in Holland, grown by AjiJoe, so perhaps Joe cam chime in with what he knows. Based on flavor, I`d say the other 3 are very closely related, even though the chocolate one looks a bit different. In answer to your question about a caramel pepper, nothing would stop you from doing that. I would hope the pepper resulted as a mutation of a Fatalii, grown from seeds harvested from a Fatalii pepper, but there are no governing bodies on naming chilis, so you could call it whatever you wanted to. 
Look at all the 7-pots. Some of those are hybrids - 7-pot primo, for example. But it does have some 7-pot in there. 
another good job Nigel, nicely put together too.
a point worth noting on the chocolate fatalii, for those looking for a seed source, you have to be careful. 2-3 years ago a number of members were growing them and then posted some pretty sad results with pods having zero heat and not very palatable. one of the reasons i avoided them. i don't know where those seeds came from but a quick forum search and you can read the posts and narrow down who may have the good seeds.
nickdu, i too have the orange variant and they are evil, wickedly hot. i have a plant 5 years old(seems to be a very hardy plant too). i sourced different seeds and they are yellow, so i have both growing now.
Burning Colon said:
another good job Nigel, nicely put together too.
a point worth noting on the chocolate fatalii, for those looking for a seed source, you have to be careful. 2-3 years ago a number of members were growing them and then posted some pretty sad results with pods having zero heat and not very palatable. one of the reasons i avoided them. i don't know where those seeds came from but a quick forum search and you can read the posts and narrow down who may have the good seeds.
nickdu, i too have the orange variant and they are evil, wickedly hot. i have a plant 5 years old(seems to be a very hardy plant too). i sourced different seeds and they are yellow, so i have both growing now.
I saw the posts about nasty peppers with no heat being called chocolate fatalii. I`m lucky I never ate one. This chocolate fatalii was outstandingly good and pretty darn hot, too. I will ask about where the seeds came from and post an answer in this thread.
all great review!!
great peppers!!
great people!!
nigel thanks again, i havent gotten around to trying the white fatalii yet
i got the seeds from Meatfreak in the netherlands i found it very interesting and will be growingh it again
thanks your friend Joe