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The fruitiest tasting peppers - (real fruit flavours)

I know their are several peppers that apparently have fruit notes to them and peppers that are classified as fruity but I want to know what peppers are out there that strongly reflect the flavours of a fruit, and if a small description could be given eg. I was told the Brazilian starfish had an apple like taste.. I have to agree at a basic level there is a green almost apple seed taste to the pepper but it's a stretch.

I'm looking for peppers you go wow that tastes a lot like a ...... ! And if there are any really fruity peppers with no real fruit equivalent feel free to also post some details.

I'm looking to expand into some super flavoured pepper crosses and need some strong (fruit) flavoured stock!
     Caribbean red habaneros (dried or roasted, especially) have always seemed to to me to have a distinct berry aroma. Kind of a cross between strawberries and cherries.
I've heard criolla sella taste like mango but I haven't tried them yet. Got one plant going.
The Limon, pineapple ect all have a citrus taste.
I've heard CGN-21500 referred to as fruity with sort of a sprite taste to it. Same with White fatalii
D3monic said:
I've heard criolla sella taste like mango but I haven't tried them yet. Got one plant going.
The Limon, pineapple ect all have a citrus taste.
I've heard CGN-21500 referred to as fruity with sort of a sprite taste to it. Same with White fatalii
I've always loved lemonade flavoured things ..
I concur with everyone about the aji lemon, though it doesn't scream lemon to me. I have aji pineapples this year and it definitely has a hint of pineapple as an aftertaste. I hear judy's aji mango is really good, but I couldn't tell you how the pepper tastes as mine hasn't produced any ripe fruit yet. But i'll let you know!
So Aji Lemon and Pineaple are two that are obvious strong contenders, are there any cherry, melon or passion fruit like peppers out there ?

(I did read your post about berry flavour Hybrid Mode 01)
Roguejim said:
I recommend the Siling Bilong for sweet apple flavor. Far superior to a bell.
Is it a real Apple like flavour or just that fresh green taste with a hint of tang like Brazilian Starfish have ..

hogleg said:
+1 Aji Pineapple. Its very exotic tasting, somewhat pineappley but mostly just a very fresh tropical taste.
Now that description has me sold
Pineapple ground cherry tomatoes aka gooseberries aka some other names look like tiny tomatillos and taste just like pineapple. And not in that hint of a taste kind of way but like you just bite into a pineapple but with that cherry tomato texture. Really makes the taste buds go WTF
not a pepper but would make some killer salsa with some the other fruity peppers. 
KrakenPeppers said:
 are there any cherry, melon or passion fruit like peppers out there ?

 I wish there was a passion fruit tasting pepper. Passion fruit has that sour tastes to it though so I doubt it. Have you ever had bilimbi before? they're like sour little cucumbers, 10x more sour than a warhead if you've ever had those