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The fungus among us

So I think I have over watered a little but as I am still learning with peppers but I seem to have also used some fungus infected soil. After watering little mushrooms popped up in about 12hrs.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a fungicide that won't shock my seedlings?
I figured I'd try to setup bottom watering and let the tops dry out.

Pics of the fungus that invaded:

Oy - best wishes with eradicating the mushies! Here's a link to a guide about using hydrogen peroxide in the garden. I can attest it does a lovely job when used in pots, too. Note that while pepper plants like fairly dry soil, they don't like bone-dry. The general rule of thumb is to let the leaves droop a tad between waterings, but not so much that you risk killing the plant. You might want to consider repotting your plants while they're still small, and using the hydrogen peroxide/water mix to ensure you get all traces of fungus that may be clinging to the roots.

Mushies=GOOD! Do not Nuke them with H202!

If you have Mushrooms in your garden, then you are doing something right. A lot of people think that mushrooms are a fungi, well they are more like a fruit of a fungi. And "fruit baring fungi," are a result of a healthy soil food web. These fungi will accelerate the decomposition of larger organic matter, making its nutrients more soluble to your plants!
You know, I have heard the "mushrooms are good" arguments before. But they took out several pots of orchids and also all of the plants in my front bed one year (in two different years), except for the bushes. Just flat sapped the life out of every single flowering plant I had out there. So it could be that just like some mushrooms are edible and others are not, perhaps some mushrooms are good for other plants and others are not. Perhaps. I much prefer to nuke EVERYTHING related to a fungus rather than risk losing the plants I particularly want and/or paid for again.
Im fairly sure that those are "alcohol inkies"... They potentiate the effects of alcohol. So if you eat them and then drink... you could be in for a wild ride.

Nevermind... they are not alcohol inkies... but inkies do look like that.
i was told on here a while ago to not only leave the mushrooms, but to "pray to them". while i'm not much for prayers, i have left them and they have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to harm my plants. so, i would have to second what Cayennemist has already posted.
Thank you all for your input on the matter. Since they don't seem to be like the threat of mold I think I will just make sure they don't grow right next to any of the seedlings. I am just concerned about their root structure since they are in such close proximity. I will also try to get my watering schedule correct with letting the top dry out more.

Jamison - I did use organic soil for them but some of it was left over from last year sitting in the garage.

Noah - That sounds like a wild time!

Out of curiosity can anyone ID the type of mushroom? I pulled one this morning and the top had started to fan out more flat. Should have gotten a pic of it.
That's a great video. Thanks for the education in fungi. I knew that there was symbiosis between them and roots but didn't realize what types were actually miccorhizal and not to worry about them.
Learn something new everyday.