• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Green Man's continuing growlog, 2013 edition.

Well, I'm continuing my glog here for 2013,
Most of my peppers from last year are still producing because we've had an unusually warm winter so far.
(it's 81 degrees out right now)

I ended up giving away a lot of pepper plants to friends this year, as I had a new roof put on the house and had to make room for the demolition. I still have 14 plants in nursery pots, 2 in terracotta and 3 in large grow tubs.

My most prolific producer has been Naga Morich which was no surprise. Tobago seasoning has been very good too!

I have been disappointed in the Trinidad red Hab, Bradley's Bahamian, BJ browns, and Brown 7 pot. I think I just started them too late, maybe they need larger containers. I'm going to step them up and see what happens.

On to this years grow, I've opted for a diverse group without any more superhots, as I already have lots of heat.

I've started round one today with:
  • Balac's Unknown Fluted pepper (Balac)
  • Brazil Orange Tepin (local source)
  • Chocolate Habanero (Deathmetal1980 and ScarletFire)
  • Hurricane F3 (me)
  • Large Sweet Antigua (ScarletFire)
  • Pasilla baijo (PepperJoe)
Once these have sprouted I'll do a second round with more diversity.
hey cool. im growing balacs mystery pepper too. i have a number of pods too, however my plants are all outdoors in the greenhouse and super dwarfy right now. they are only getting a few hours of sun this time of year, and its been super cloudy lately.

what ever they actually are, i have them all labeled as "wrinkly balac." they are defiantly 100% showing the same traits so far among all of the plants. so what ever it is... is something stable and not a one off hybrid.
Nice. Whats Hurricane?
It was an unknown from a batch of Datil seeds that looks like a cross between Datil and Tabasco. I've been growing it out and am now on the third generation. See my last year's glog.

hey cool. im growing balacs mystery pepper too. i have a number of pods too, however my plants are all outdoors in the greenhouse and super dwarfy right now. they are only getting a few hours of sun this time of year, and its been super cloudy lately.

what ever they actually are, i have them all labeled as "wrinkly balac." they are defiantly 100% showing the same traits so far among all of the plants. so what ever it is... is something stable and not a one off hybrid.

Cool. Do you have pics? where?
Update: Yesterday I added:
  • Peter (Pepperjoe)
  • Serrano (Pepperjoe)
  • Dilley Street Tamwork Birdseye (cmpman1974)
  • Black Thai TQ (cmpman1974)
  • Yellow Devil's Tongue (TheBIZ)
  • Super Chili (TheBIZ)
  • Tiger's Teeth (TheBIZ)
  • Hinkle Hatz (Walka)
Also have a lot of Brazil Tepins sprouted, and seeing some signs of life from the Chocolate Habs and Large Sweet Antigua

Minor update: Yesterday I got the first sprouts on Pasilla Baijo, and today I got hooks on the Chocolate Habs.
Weather got cooler, down to the 50's-60's so I expect delayed/poor germination on most of the seeds unless it gets warmer and stays that way for the next couple weeks.

My grow is No-Tech. Outside in the sun with hand watering and no protection from the cold. I grow Darwinian survivors.
I cut down a firebush tree to make room and assembled my daughter's veggie garden box today. This will hold one row of last year's peppers in back and one row of veggies/herbs in front. I've got bok choi, broccoli, kale, tomato, eggplant, and cilantro ready to go in.
Chris nice additions, what’s the total count up to now? Seedlings look great, you should have a rocking year! Was thinking you, Steve and I should try and hook up one day and tip a few while talking pepper strategies ^_^
Great list! It's nice to see something different from superhots ;)

Good luck


Yeah I still have the Chocolate Bhuts, Chocolate 7, and Naga Morich growing from last year, but they aren't new...
Chris nice additions, what’s the total count up to now? Seedlings look great, you should have a rocking year! Was thinking you, Steve and I should try and hook up one day and tip a few while talking pepper strategies ^_^
There are about 100 cells planted, I've got about 30% germination now. Yes I agree, maybe one weekend we can meet up someplace for a pint..,.

Seedlings look strong! Hail to natural selection! broad mites prohibited!

Today I picked up a Yard of Coir Mix (Coir, Perlite, Pine bark)

and stored it in this giant Grow Bag.


Then I noticed I had my first hook on my HSB pepper


Off to the races now.