• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Green Man's continuing growlog, 2013 edition.

Well, I'm continuing my glog here for 2013,
Most of my peppers from last year are still producing because we've had an unusually warm winter so far.
(it's 81 degrees out right now)

I ended up giving away a lot of pepper plants to friends this year, as I had a new roof put on the house and had to make room for the demolition. I still have 14 plants in nursery pots, 2 in terracotta and 3 in large grow tubs.

My most prolific producer has been Naga Morich which was no surprise. Tobago seasoning has been very good too!

I have been disappointed in the Trinidad red Hab, Bradley's Bahamian, BJ browns, and Brown 7 pot. I think I just started them too late, maybe they need larger containers. I'm going to step them up and see what happens.

On to this years grow, I've opted for a diverse group without any more superhots, as I already have lots of heat.

I've started round one today with:
  • Balac's Unknown Fluted pepper (Balac)
  • Brazil Orange Tepin (local source)
  • Chocolate Habanero (Deathmetal1980 and ScarletFire)
  • Hurricane F3 (me)
  • Large Sweet Antigua (ScarletFire)
  • Pasilla baijo (PepperJoe)
Once these have sprouted I'll do a second round with more diversity.
Some pepper pics



And a visitor in from Cuba...
I made some crosses the other day using Red (supposed to be chocolate but came up red) Hab as the seed parent. x Naga Morich
x BJ Brown and x Hurricane
So far only one didn't take, but the weather is realllllllllly hot and flowers are starting to abort from the heat. 
cmpman1974 said:
The Black Thai looks nice. :)  Thanks for sharing the photo.  I enjoyed that one a lot.
Yeah, good looking but the taste wasn't very impressive, will make a great base for crosses if the color holds. Of my 6 seedlings 3 were fairly dark and 3 were mostly green, I culled the green ones, gave one dark one away, one dark one got overrun with mites, this is the lone survivor. I have saved the seeds from the first pod. 
My crosses have mostly failed to take so far, only one Choc. Hab x BJ Brown took for sure. 
tried two more today. BJ Brown x Choc Hab and BJ Brown x Scotch Bonnet. 
Datil said:
Nice shots!
The Black Thai turns red when ripe? How's the heat level?
No it starts purple/black and stays that way. Heat is moderate, it has a generic flavor. I'm probably spoiled from eating lots of habs though. 
 Tried to embed my crosses spreadsheet, no dice...

My first Successful cross Chocolate Hab X Chocolate Bhut Jolokia

#2 Chocolate Hab x Naga Morich This looks like it has taken. 
Tried crossing the Black Thai TQ with Pasilla Baijo, the PB could give it a nice flavor if it works out.
Interesting Not "Chocolate Habs" (most likely from Deathmetal91980 as I believe his were OP). 

I used this plant as the base for most of my Hab crosses, thinking it was Choc Hab, but as you will see, it is not. 

Here it is growing in the same pot as a true Chocolate Hab. (I always do 2-3 plants per pot, because old nursery-biz habits die hard)
The leaves are a bit "wild" looking as if it may be crossed with a tepin. 

weird form on this, but the next one is even weirder. 

This is from the same batch of seeds, the leaves look exactly like the real Chocolate Hab, but the pod is a different beast altogether. 
Thinking it may have annuum as it is pointing skywards, but the flowers are multi-per-node

strange days...
Oh yeah, Ive got 4 confirmed crosses with pods set... suh-weet!
I hate dem green anoles as they eat our native lizards, I would like them more if they ate all the green iguanas that eat up all our flowers :/ Great job on the crosses mon, let us know how they taste when you get to that point. Nice pics and hope all is well :)
WalkGood said:
I hate dem green anoles as they eat our native lizards, I would like them more if they ate all the green iguanas that eat up all our flowers :/ Great job on the crosses mon, let us know how they taste when you get to that point. Nice pics and hope all is well :)
I don't mind the Wright Anoles much, but the Bahamian Curlytails and Jesu-Cristo lizards freak me out. 
well this isnt really a glog post, but one of my clients just gave me this pretty badass grill. 

i need to replace the ignitors and burners, but otherwise it is sound and just needs a thorough cleaning. 
It has a Rotisserie with Infrared heating element and a Gas smoker tray which I don't really understand. 
Anyone know what the hell I do with the smoker tray, Im guessing I just fill it with wet woodchips.
Awesome score mon! I have never heard them called a tray, is it like a box? If so then you just soak wood chips in water for 30 minutes before cooking (I don’t use one as I have a smoker), allow chips to drain off excessive water first. If you leave the chips dry they will produce smoke more quickly, but will not last as long. Place smoker box on top of the cooking grate above the flame and keep grill on high until the wood starts to smoke and reduce to desired temperature. Cook food on the grate opposite the smoker box for slow, indirect cooking to simulate a smoker.
Hope all is well, how's the grow?
The weird this is this grill has a dedicated smoker burner built in below the "box" or tray. It is actually more like a metal drawer that holds the wood chips, then you slide it in and fire up that burner.  Kind of crazy. 
The grow is going pretty well, just pulled a dozen choco habs and the Tobago seasonings are coming on strong. Chocolate Bhuts producing and I should have 20-30 pods ripen over the next week or two. Unfortunately I really don't like them, and can't take the gut rot they cause. You want some? 
WalkGood said:
Awesome score mon! I have never heard them called a tray, is it like a box? If so then you just soak wood chips in water for 30 minutes before cooking (I don’t use one as I have a smoker), allow chips to drain off excessive water first. If you leave the chips dry they will produce smoke more quickly, but will not last as long. Place smoker box on top of the cooking grate above the flame and keep grill on high until the wood starts to smoke and reduce to desired temperature. Cook food on the grate opposite the smoker box for slow, indirect cooking to simulate a smoker.
Hope all is well, how's the grow?
still trying to figure out what this is. it doesnt look much like anything on my grow list afaict. 
Tastes like a Thai Pepper. Grows like a Chinense...
Not Chocolate Hab #1 has finally ripened and it is a keeper. 
Loaded with Habanero flavor but hotter than the Chocolate Habs. I don't know what it is crossed with but it sho is hot. Gave me the hiccups bad...
I finally had another run in with that Knight Anole.
It scared the crap outta me while I was checking out a cool spider web in the back yard,
I looked up and s/he was chilling on a branch directly over my head.
So I reached up and.....



Okay Glog update time. 
Today I cleaned house, uprooted all the plants I don't want any more. Two brown Bhuts (can't tolerate them) a Scotch Bonnet (don't like them as much as the Habs) and all the old Hurricanes/ Frutescens as I have a freezer full of them.
Planted the Harold's St Barts, and a Dilley St. Tamworks Birdseye up into larger pots too. 
Harvested my first few Congo Red Habs, and man are they Huge and tasty. 
Over the last few weeks everything has been setting massive fruit, harvested lots of Tobago Seasonings, after two years this plant is still going stong as ever. 
Got some T. Perfumes which were tasty and aromatic. 
and a Not T. Perfume that was nicely flavored. 
Got some Tiger and Yellow Pear tomatoes started and will be planting them out in the box in a couple weeks. 
Brown 7's are ripening and are up for grabs for anyone who wants them.  I cant eat them/can't store them/don't want them. After this flush of pods ripen I'm yanking them out to make room for Aji's. 