• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Green Man's continuing growlog, 2013 edition.

Well, I'm continuing my glog here for 2013,
Most of my peppers from last year are still producing because we've had an unusually warm winter so far.
(it's 81 degrees out right now)

I ended up giving away a lot of pepper plants to friends this year, as I had a new roof put on the house and had to make room for the demolition. I still have 14 plants in nursery pots, 2 in terracotta and 3 in large grow tubs.

My most prolific producer has been Naga Morich which was no surprise. Tobago seasoning has been very good too!

I have been disappointed in the Trinidad red Hab, Bradley's Bahamian, BJ browns, and Brown 7 pot. I think I just started them too late, maybe they need larger containers. I'm going to step them up and see what happens.

On to this years grow, I've opted for a diverse group without any more superhots, as I already have lots of heat.

I've started round one today with:
  • Balac's Unknown Fluted pepper (Balac)
  • Brazil Orange Tepin (local source)
  • Chocolate Habanero (Deathmetal1980 and ScarletFire)
  • Hurricane F3 (me)
  • Large Sweet Antigua (ScarletFire)
  • Pasilla baijo (PepperJoe)
Once these have sprouted I'll do a second round with more diversity.
I have a Nagalah that has a leaf like that. It's only a sprout at the moment but did wonder if it would be able to grow out to be a normal size leaf. So good to see yours and it can be done.

Great success for the rest of your season


All seedlings have been transplanted to 4" containers or solo cups for grow out.

I've already planted three of the new peppers into the veggie garden, Pasilla baijo, Serrano, and Chocolate Hab. They were the most vigorous. The Tepins seem to dislike either the coir mix or the cold, or both. All of the Brazil tepins are looking like crap, and the Dilley Street Tam Birds aren't much better. On a good note the Chocolate Habs are just zooming along. Most of the others have sufferered from the late cold spells, but are hanging on.
Nice list. MeatFreak blessed me with some Hurricane seeds and I have one that I didn't manage to some how kill. It's doing great. Good to know where it came from. SoFlo growers are the envy of most as they have fresh pods all year. And your success with the Naga Morich, which seems to hate me along with the Dorset Naga, is double envy for me. I am, however, glad you are off to such a wonderful start. And, I'm sure you will have a great season. I will follow along and watch with glee.
Nice list. MeatFreak blessed me with some Hurricane seeds and I have one that I didn't manage to some how kill. It's doing great. Good to know where it came from. SoFlo growers are the envy of most as they have fresh pods all year. And your success with the Naga Morich, which seems to hate me along with the Dorset Naga, is double envy for me. I am, however, glad you are off to such a wonderful start. And, I'm sure you will have a great season. I will follow along and watch with glee.

Wow those seeds are making their rounds...cool.

Hope you enjoy them.

I have a Nagalah that has a leaf like that. It's only a sprout at the moment but did wonder if it would be able to grow out to be a normal size leaf. So good to see yours and it can be done.

Great success for the rest of your season


heres another mutant leaf on an annuum

and a pic of the biggest of the babies
Dang I've been slacking on the updates, but not too much going on... except for Peppers!

The Choco habs are doing well

Tobago Seasoning is producing like crazy

Bradley's bahamian is a hot suckah

Thai peppers are coming along

Hurricane Peppers f2 as well
This red Trinidad Habanero is a strange looking beast.

That's all for now.

p.s. yeah the Nagas are still loaded with peppers too, but they are always producing so I don't even notice anymore.
p.p.s. the white bullet habs and chocolate BJ also have some peppers coming on, but not a single 7 pot brown has developed yet in almost a full year....getting ready to pull them and plant something that actually produces.


Trini Hab mutants

Brown 7
More Brown 7

It's boomtime.....
Chris, great update! Chocolate habs do look great, I love the color on them and thanks for the plant, I ended up keeping it ^_^ Don’t forget to call when you on east side, I have some stuff for you too.

Wow that Tobago is all podded up, looks great! I really like the look on your Bhamian Bradley’s … reminds me of the Jamaican Country pepper. The Thai’s, Hurricane’s look excellent but I really love the look of the red Trinidad Hab, wow!

PS: Next update, try to throw in some pics of the White Habs, I’d like to see how they’re looking, thanks. That’s strange about the 7 pot brown, if they can’t produce down here it’s really weird …

Have a great week mon!
Nice lookin peps! I'm trying Bradley's Bahamian this year for the first time. I never bothered to look them up. So they're like little Thai peppers. Good to know. Your Trinidad Hab is beautiful. Looks like a Trinidad Scotch Bonnet to me. Great find!
More pics and one 4 Ramon


Nice lookin peps! I'm trying Bradley's Bahamian this year for the first time. I never bothered to look them up. So they're like little Thai peppers. Good to know. Your Trinidad Hab is beautiful. Looks like a Trinidad Scotch Bonnet to me. Great find!
Those Bradley's are frutescens I think. Mine don't appear to grow like the pictures I've seen online, but they are pretty good and hot, I could see myself making a sauce from these alone if I had enough of them.
More pics and one 4 Ramon
Wow, looks great ^_^

Those Bradley's are frutescens I think. Mine don't appear to grow like the pictures I've seen online, but they are pretty good and hot, I could see myself making a sauce from these alone if I had enough of them.
Freeze them and eventually you’ll have enough. That’s what I’m doing with my Thai Hots and I’m up to a ziplock baggie full now but I need more to make a decent sauce, hopefully by mid to late summer I’ll have enough, hehe.
Chris, one pod has set on the Chocolate Hab and another is in the making, I'd run out and take a pic but it's raining. Hopefully I can post one up here for ya soon. She's gone thru one up-potting so far and I'll probably take her up another notch when she needs it, thanks for da giftage mon!!!
Moar Pods
I've been harvesting the heck outta pods these past few weeks, I have bags and bags in the freezer. 
The Tobago Seasoning Pepper cannot be stopped! It is like the Borg!
I ripped out one of my Nagas to make room for more chocolate habs. I now have 5 growing and I think I may grow them exclusively next year to make sauce. 
The Brown 7 started blowing up like crazy and the Chocolate Bhuts are doing awesome too. They like the afternoon shade they are getting now. 
The little Bullet hab, the Brad's Bahamian, and the Trinidad Habbonnet are also producing like mad. 
The Broad mites have gotten out of control the last two weeks because I havent been able to spray much with all the rain. 
I still have about 30 plants that I have no room for.......any takers? 
Chris every ting sounds great except the mites ... I had some issues myself but all under control now although I'll have to continue spraying as I see them on other plants not just peppers. Finally got a picture of the chocolate hab you gifted me but I'm at work and it's on home lappy, I'll try to post it up here mañana. Have a great week!
Edit: Here's the first pod that is starting to ripening up. There's around 8 other small ones ...
