• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Greenman's SPL Crosses reborn glog.

Thanks to Bhuter for prodding me with his pics of my Crosses, I've decided to grow another round for this fall/winter. Barring any disastrous hurricanes, I hope to get the Pepper band back together as it were.
I dropped seeds from 6 of my crosses (plus Datil) yesterday on a heated tray inside my garage/storage room. If the heat tray doesn't cook them, and with any luck, I should have some sprouts in a few days.
In this batch
(BSxHA)xPB (Lolo) F2, F3
(BSxADY)xGC Sunspot F3
BSxAP Aji Sunrise F4
JBxBJB Jabooty F3, Brown
CDNxGC Sungold Habanero F3
And Datil from Pure Plorida

Depending on how these go, I may drop a few more soon.

I have one or two more crosses left to plant.

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Glad to see you saddled up again, Chris.
Good luck with your grow!
Not much to update except I have a lot of seedlings going. Got nearly 100%germination in the rockwool cubes so I'll have to thin the herd eventually. I have exactly 2 seedlings of the F3 Brown Jabooty and no more seeds, so I really hope one of them is the correct pheno and survives.
I also picked up a sample of Dakota Rev which is organic humic acid, figure I'll play around with it and see if it makes a difference on some of my multiples.
Included a pic of F3 V3 Aji Sunrise this plant is 3 years old and still chugging out fruit on occasion.

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thegreenman said:
Made a first attempt at Kratky today. Took out one of the Aji Sunrise F4 seedlings, washed off the soil, secured it in a rockwool cube and placed it with the roots halfway in the nutrients.

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Good luck with your Kratky, GM!
Nice compact set-up for those plants.
Looks like you are off to a good start.
PaulG said:
Nice compact set-up for those plants.
Looks like you are off to a good start.
I have more room to expand, but starting slowly to get the hang of indoor hydro. I'll probably switch these plants over to 5 gallon DWC when they get bigger. Gotta keep a low profile so my DW doesn't complain about all the Amazon purchases.

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Bhuter said:
Still waiting on Aji Sunrise to ripen, but right now they look like.........


Some single at the node and some double fruits.

SN x PB has finally ripened one

Will update with details.
Awesome. That's an interesting pheno on the Sunrise. Haven't seen one like that before.
Mine have been more football shaped or beaked.

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Another fairly boring update.
I got a used T8 fixture from work and bought a couple led T8 bulbs and rewired it, removing the ballast. Almost ready to move some of my Kratky plants up to 5 gallon DWC buckets. The plants look pretty good so far, and I have a few more seedlings popping up, to be used for future crossing projects. I still need some reflector film for the plant corner.

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You may need a chainsaw to hack through the
jungle once those plants get in 5-gallon buckets.
They look great!
PaulG said:
You may need a chainsaw to hack through the
jungle once those plants get in 5-gallon buckets.
They look great!
Thanks, Yeah I'll probably only put a few up into the 5 gallons. I only have about a 4x6 area to work with.

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Minor update. Kratky peppers still going strong. Outside not so much, it's been raining every damn day which is not helping things. The Potting soil, even the moisture control version, is staying saturated and breaking down. I have to switch to 100% coir in the future. The peat based soil just sucks here.
Guess which one of these plants is the chinense, and which is the baccatum.

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