• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


I have just spent an amazing arfternoon with Niel - As I arrived at his unassuming chilli farm, I was greeted by some of neils favourite BLACK varities.. As well as the pc-1 and other indian varities tucked away... KNOCK KNOCK - Niel answers the door still under heavy sweat and euphoria,... LOL "Come in, come in" ( i HAD JUST MISSED HIS LATEST REVIEW BY MINUTES !!) As I true Chilli head Niel first invites me for A TOUR of his small but elabourte chilli farm, And after many ow wow, arrr you have that, and many many "thats just yummy looking"! I was truely envious!! We sat down for a coffee to chat all things Chilli of course!

Then on to his collection of sauces and pastes..... HOLLY COW ! I have never seen such a personal collection ! Many in line waiting for the chance for NEIL to crack the lid and rap his lips around it....sometimes protype.. begging for his approval !!

Then on to tasting !!!! MMMMMMMM the place all CHILLI HEADS dream of.... a selection from every coner of the globe ! Too much to take in !!!!!! MY face is burning off im in a deep sweat now i cant feel my face & lips ... Neil just takes it all in his stride ! :hell:


Thanx for the arvo NEIL ! It was a pleasure !!!! Happy to burn with you anytime !!!!!!!

the chilliman

p.s YOUR SAUCE went onto my pizza tonight ! NEVER again will i eat pizza with out it !!
So save me a few more of those AFTER BURN... !

his latest review i just missed !

bonda ma jacques
All hail - the iron stomach ! LOL - what ledgends are made of !

What did we remember BOB HAWK for ... his stint in power or the fact he could down a yard glass in 11 seconds. ???

Thanks guys,, every1 is always welcome and dont think any1 leaves unburnt

Now with the New Office/Yard heaps mellower and its really cool watching every1 act like lil kids in lollie shops and get excited, can feel the passion, neighbours now just smile as its Excitment central and talking at 200 words a min in some weird language of chinenes's , superhots they dont just stare now as people with endorphined Glazed looks wandering round prob use to look weird.

Nova ya have to come again soon as got the Caravan happening so place to crash after the Burn :D and get the BBQ cranking, chilliman ya coming to that 1 too :D (hey do that vid) and was heaps coool meeting you today, shit 3hrs was a greatt chat hahahahahahahahaha dunno if any1else could get a word in between though, unreal cya soon id say :)

got the new Yard nearly done so then the table / chairs go in the gazebo, some cruisy music coffee/chai and chill out, look at Diff plants and Pods

so if any1's ever down this way or driving past stop in the door is always open and i don't mind a chilli chat :)

Catch ya's
chilliman said:
All hail - the iron stomach ! LOL - what ledgends are made of !

What did we remember BOB HAWK for ... his stint in power or the fact he could down a yard glass in 11 seconds. ???


I think im going to make a sauce in Neils honour....No
'Wrath of God' any more 'WRATH OF NEIL!!'....Think i might have to take a trip over to visit mate!

I'll be visiting you again sooner rather than later Rev, i would imagine shortly after i arrive back from Stillz wing comp :P

Oh yeah as far as i know Bobby Hawke still owns the world record for downing a yardy.
Scorpion said:
I think im going to make a sauce in Neils honour....No
'Wrath of God' any more 'WRATH OF NEIL!!'....Think i might have to take a trip over to visit mate!

It would sell if it had Neils Approval

Novacastrian said:
I'll be visiting you again sooner rather than later Rev, i would imagine shortly after i arrive back from Stillz wing comp :P

Oh yeah as far as i know Bobby Hawke still owns the world record for downing a yardy.

yep i am pretty sure he dose !
Hi Neil - I will be heading down south later this week to look at a couple of jobs which will see me down that way for a week or so later in the year. Will not be going quite as far South as Coffs.... so where on the central coast is the farm of THSC???
