• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Hopeful Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaw Project.

So I've been trying to find seeds for these, and messaged a guy on reddit and he said he had these.

I said the two light ones probably won't be any good, but the dark one has a chance, told him I would gladly take them. He then said he found a dried on in the cabinet, and I was like now we got a real chance.
Got them in and extracted the seeds and this is what they looked like.

#1: Light Colored Pods
#2: Red Pod
#3: Dried in Cabinet Pod.
Currently I have them soaking in some H2O2.

Will update when I get them in the dirt later today.
I mean, lots of pepper suppliers have these, and the original seeds can be found at fataliiseeds.net. Or did you only wanted free seeds? Maybe I misunderstood the purpose:).
I wanted them from fataliiseeds, but they were out of stock when I was trying to get them. I posted this to show what seeds can go through and be good or bad still.
These were also one of the few where the person didn't want to trade, I've been gifted, traded, and bought from a few places. My goal is to grow most in isolation spaced at least 50ft apart in old cow fields I have here to make sure they seeds stay true, that way I can send them into the Reddit Seed exchange this year.
Mildfruit said:
I mean, lots of pepper suppliers have these, and the original seeds can be found at fataliiseeds.net. Or did you only wanted free seeds? Maybe I misunderstood the purpose:).
:welcome: to the 2019 grow season!
Off to a great start here, Hawkins!
Looking forward to seeing your grow
develop. I love anything Fatali!
PaulG said:
:welcome: to the 2019 grow season!
Off to a great start here, Hawkins!
Looking forward to seeing your grow
develop. I love anything Fatali!

Thanks, I've also got Fatalii Yellow, and Red. The Yellow has popped up, but only 2 out of around 12 seeds germinated. The red just hit the dirt a few days ago. I've never had any of them, so I can't wait.
Hawkins said:
My goal is to grow most in isolation spaced at least 50ft apart in old cow fields I have here to make sure they seeds stay true,
Masher said:
Why not just use some isolation netting?
yeah 50 feet isn't very far for pollinating insects.
you should just net a few plants and better yet...if you are close to your plants, you can diddle each flower as soon as it opens or give your netted plant a vigorous shake to spread the pollen.
best of luck...(not sure how stable Gourmet Jigsaw is anyway)
Masher said:
You only need to net one entire plant per species. That would be a heck of a lot of seeds if each podded up as desired.

I think I read fabric stores is the place to get bulk netting at a good price.

Happy growing and good luck.


The problem with only relying on one plant is that it could be a bad pheno, a cross, or just not a good representation of the pepper. So having more improves chances of having better genetics. I would love to wrap them all but no possible. Most will be in the main garden but around 3 plants will be out in the fields to try for the best possible chances of keeping true strains.
# 1 is still doing great. How these seeds germinated I'll never know.

Suprise yesterday #3 staring poking through. Still nothing on #2 though.

This ihas been a great learning experience, because it shows that even when you think there is no way that seeds will come up, there is always a chance. I'm going to have more Fatalii Gourmet Jigsaws then I could ever imagine. I'll have to do an entire block of just jigsaws.
I think it's safe to say they are going to make it. The worst looking peppers are the ones that germinated the best.

#3 is doing pretty good as well, just under half of the seeds germinated.

I still can't believe how many germinated from the #1 batch of seeds, they looked bad, the peppers were not even ripe, but yet they did great.
#2 did nothing, so I gave up on it, it was the only one I originally thought would have any chance.
I'm growing the same pepper so I'm very excited to follow your log! Best of luck and let's compare results at the end of the season!
sweet thread. i hope some of your seedlings grow true.
btw, your way of starting seeds is so much less work than what i've been doing (micromanaging bs with way too many steps).
maybe i'll save myself some trouble next year.
Blafa said:
I'm growing the same pepper so I'm very excited to follow your log! Best of luck and let's compare results at the end of the season!

Will do, I'm hoping they grow true without any problems considering how bad the seeds were.