The Hottest Pepper

I will be growing a quarter acre of peppers this coming spring season. My nephew is trying to convince me that he can handle any pepper that I grow and can deal with any hot sauce that I can come across. I have not made any sauces yet but I will be doing that next season as well, with yalls help of course.

Anyway, what is the hottest pepper that I can grow in the Gulf Coast area? I really need to get this kid.

Also, maybe yall can point me in the right direction to get the seeds.
התשובה לא רצינית. הבחור מנסה להשתעשע על חשבון מישהו אחר. מנקודה מסוימת הפלפלים החריפים לא גורמים תחושת אי נוחות, אלא תחושת כאב ממשית מאוד. כשמישהו צורך אותם זו אחריותו בלבד, אבל לשדל אדם לאכול משהו שבוודאות יגרום לו נזק, גם אם לא בלתי הפיך? פלפלים חריפים הם לא לשעשוע ויש לקחת אותם ברצינות.
What I am looking for is the hottest pepper of all time that I can grow in the Gulf Coast area. I am sure there must be a concensus on which pepper is the hottest, ¿que no?
It seems alot of people are claiming the Scorpion pepper to be the hottest
with 7pods and bhuts one of the three probabily. I have not tried all three yet...
Oh yeah Omri I'm going to have to take some lessons on the best way to use rockwool and hydrtoton.
Noshownate said:
It seems alot of people are claiming the Scorpion pepper to be the hottest
with 7pods and bhuts one of the three probabily. I have not tried all three yet...
Oh yeah Omri I'm going to have to take some lessons on the best way to use rockwool and hydrtoton.

Thank You. I am off to find seeds now.
Is there a preferred place that you guys are buying seeds from?

I am now looking for Bhut Jolokia & Red Savina.

By the way, Wikipedia is claiming the Bhut Jolokia to be the hottest pepper in the world.
Mjdtexan said:
Is there a preferred place that you guys are buying seeds from?

I am now looking for Bhut Jolokia & Red Savina.

By the way, Wikipedia is claiming the Bhut Jolokia to be the hottest pepper in the world.
If you already know the answer (Wikipedia said so!), why ask here?
Go get them Savinas and Bhuts!
Easy on the newbies!

Mjdtexan, you are referring to the Guinness record holder. Bhut Jolokia. It is the hottest recorded. There are others that may be hotter, unrecorded. Trust the input you get here over wiki by the way. :)
Omri said:
If you already know the answer (Wikipedia said so!), why ask here?
Go get them Savinas and Bhuts!

I looked up each name provided to me in this tread and thats when I discovered the Bhut claim. Now, I am hoping that yall have a preferred and trusted place yall like to get your seeds, this way, I dont get taken by someone that is not reputable. Make sense, ¿que no?

I do appreciate the help you've already givin.
Bhuts are the hottest according to Guinness, but many of use believe the Trinidad Scorpions and Trinidad 7pot/pod to be even hotter although they may be more difficult for you to find and purchase
Noshownate said:

i would try 7's and scorps too JMO if you want hot

I will check them out today. Thank You.

Bhuts are the hottest according to Guinness, but many of use believe the Trinidad Scorpions and Trinidad 7pot/pod to be even hotter although they may be more difficult for you to find and purchase

I am interested in them too. My initial search didnt turn any of them up for sale but I did get to see the actual peppers. I am still looking. I want to grow many different types of peppers

captainpepper said:
Bhuts/7's/scorps can't stand a candle next to Omri's fearsome Yellow Japs...They'll literally melt you brains off:hell:

I'll look at em. said:
Easy on the newbies!

Mjdtexan, you are referring to the Guinness record holder. Bhut Jolokia. It is the hottest recorded. There are others that may be hotter, unrecorded. Trust the input you get here over wiki by the way. :)

Thats why I am here and I do Thank Yall.
You have 1/4 acre, lots of room, but be careful with different varieties and planting them to close if you plan to use the seeds. Another member can explain better than me.

Also don't grow the hottest pepper just to play a trick, respect the pepper :)