The Hottest Pepper

Omri said:
讛转砖讜讘讛 诇讗 专爪讬谞讬转. 讛讘讞讜专 诪谞住讛 诇讛砖转注砖注 注诇 讞砖讘讜谉 诪讬砖讛讜 讗讞专. 诪谞拽讜讚讛 诪住讜讬诪转 讛驻诇驻诇讬诐 讛讞专讬驻讬诐 诇讗 讙讜专诪讬诐 转讞讜砖转 讗讬 谞讜讞讜转, 讗诇讗 转讞讜砖转 讻讗讘 诪诪砖讬转 诪讗讜讚. 讻砖诪讬砖讛讜 爪讜专讱 讗讜转诐 讝讜 讗讞专讬讜转讜 讘诇讘讚, 讗讘诇 诇砖讚诇 讗讚诐 诇讗讻讜诇 诪砖讛讜 砖讘讜讜讚讗讜转 讬讙专讜诐 诇讜 谞讝拽, 讙诐 讗诐 诇讗 讘诇转讬 讛驻讬讱? 驻诇驻诇讬诐 讞专讬驻讬诐 讛诐 诇讗 诇砖注砖讜注 讜讬砖 诇拽讞转 讗讜转诐 讘专爪讬谞讜转.

y, some things aren't funny, they're dangerous. said:
You have 1/4 acre, lots of room, but be careful with different varieties and planting them to close if you plan to use the seeds. Another member can explain better than me.

Also don't grow the hottest pepper just to play a trick, respect the pepper :)

I have much more than a 录 acre, thats just going to be my pepper area. Yes, I am aware that the seeds will not be true if they are cross bred due to proximity. I farm to take vegetables to market and people come here and buy vegetables too. I just have not done peppers yet.

My nephew and his buddies are always having pepper contest. But I am pretty sure they are doing it with store bought peppers. I am going to get em. I know better than to just tear into peppers. I also want to try my hand at hot sauce making.

I am looking at HippySeeds right now. I'll be back to let yall know what I am getting.

I also have grow lights (400 HPS) so I can start seeds earlier than most. said:
You have 1/4 acre, lots of room, but be careful with different varieties and planting them to close if you plan to use the seeds. Another member can explain better than me.

Also don't grow the hottest pepper just to play a trick, respect the pepper :)
Chiles are not to be played with.
I think Omri crossed the hottest pepper, the Diablo negro(or was it a tepin) with a yellow jalapeno:)
The Diablo Negro x Yellow Jalapeno is my next project - "The Black, Yellow Jalapeno from Hell" (I know it's kinda long, so you may call it TBYJFH in short).
SanSoo said:
y, some things aren't funny, they're dangerous.
Aw, you managed to translate it I see.
Indeed, super-hot chiles may and will cause serious pain, which is not funny at all.
Omri said:
Indeed, super-hot chiles may and will cause serious pain, which is not funny at all.

Its funny if you're a spectator:) I send super-hotties up to Daytona with my Biker friend every year so he can make all the macho bikers cry in pain. From tough guy to fetal position in just one bite, now thats funny. Just try not to kill anyone.
Seems I read something a while back about a guy who had a heart attack after biting off more than he could chew, er, something hotter than he was expecting.
Its funny if you're a spectator:) I send super-hotties up to Daytona with my Biker friend every year so he can make all the macho bikers cry in pain. From tough guy to fetal position in just one bite, now thats funny. Just try not to kill anyone.
Hey! I'm a tough guy, too! So I watch Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives and like Titanic... so what?! it still hurts... :(

Seriously now. never hand a chile to unaware people. give them Habs. not hot enough? give them Fataliis. not hot enough? give them Bhuts. not hot enough? only then give them the Trinidad demons. it's not just the pain (which it serious enough, as they REALLY hurt! like putting your face on fire... not "hot chilli" fire, but actual fire!!!) it's mainly the shock of how hot they are... people tend to have bad reactions.
The sadistic trick here is to grow some habs, fatalii, bhuts, 7pots and trinni scorps then you start feeding him habs then work your way up my list mwaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.

If you do this I'll bet he gets no further than a bhut but I think he will wobble at the fatalii but go on to the bhut just to try and prove a point and fail!!!!!
Davetaylor said:
The sadistic trick here is to grow some habs, fatalii, bhuts, 7pots and trinni scorps then you start feeding him habs then work your way up my list mwaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.

If you do this I'll bet he gets no further than a bhut but I think he will wobble at the fatalii but go on to the bhut just to try and prove a point and fail!!!!!

captainpepper said:
Habs first will probably be the end of it for most people:)(i've been known to cry in certain movies myself:cry:)

I'm betting most people would never make it past the habanero and of the few that do almost none would get past the Fatalii.
JayT said:
I'm betting most people would never make it past the habanero and of the few that do almost none would get past the Fatalii.

Are Devil's Tongue chillis the same as Fatalii's?:oops:(i'm still confused about that one)
Most here have found them almost the same but Hippy (THSC) seems to find them quite different so I guess it depends on your seed source
I grew an habanero manzano last year and my mechanic (with machismo issues) poo-poohed how picante they were. One mouthful, one chile, seeds and all. It was priceless to watch. We gave him lots of water because he asked.

Most here have found them almost the same but Hippy (THSC) seems to find them quite different so I guess it depends on your seed source
Because so many believe they're one and the same, it's possible and likely for to have Fatalii seeds labeled as Devil's Tongue and the other way around.
Maybe, but not likely in my case. Personally I always notice a difference in pod shape and possibly color too between the fatalii and devil's tongue, but the flavors seem identical to me
willard3 said:
I grew an habanero manzano last year and my mechanic (with machismo issues) poo-poohed how picante they were. One mouthful, one chile, seeds and all. It was priceless to watch. We gave him lots of water because he asked.


That pod ooozes love..
Well, I am getting eggcited. I have some 7 Pod and Scorpion seeds coming thanks to one of the memebers here. I am ordering some Fatalii, golden cayyenne, habanero, mucho nacho hybrid jalapenos and large red thick cayenne peppers from Tomato Growers Supply Company.
Once everything gets here I will probably look to yall for planting times and such. I want to start them under lights and then move them outside in their own garden area. Now I am searching for a BHUT seed seller in the USA

I grow other vegetables for market and home usage. Thanks for yall help.