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The "hottie" pepper...what is it, exactly?

Kukulkan is another name for these peppers. And some say as early as 60 days to harvest. When I got mine there were only a foot tall with 20-30 pods per plant.
I'm growing some chocolate habs that say they're supposed to get up to 2 1/2 inches long too, but i don't think they are supposed to have "reduced heat".
crazy8 said:
Perhaps you have better hole digging skills?

No, Lowe's grew them for me. I actually got the ones with the least amount of pods, but the biggest plant height wise. They are alot happier in their new 5 gal home. And there is no hole digging for me. I put everything in containers so i fill around things.
I'm getting excited to try these. Hurry up & turn orange already! I may have to grow more of these next year.

I do have some orange habs ripe now, though :).
You know, if I had a horse, I'd horse whip Burpee......hottie indeed.......not-so-hottie seems more apt.

More taxonmmic trouble........
Really, Willard? You don't think these are hot? I finally had a ripe one (not one of the bigger ones, though). I chopped it up to put in a quesadilla. I put a fair sized bit in my mouth & chewed it up & it had my mouth on fire for several minutes! I'd say it was easily as hot as a regular orange hab.

Edit: OK, that was weird. I was just eating the leftover pepper bits one by one. It seemed that some bits were hotter than others. The quesadilla I had w/ just that pepper as a heat source wasn't very hot, though. But man, that first bit I chewed up was wicked. I'll have to do some more experimenting w/ these peppers!
ImpyChick said:
Really, Willard? You don't think these are hot? I finally had a ripe one (not one of the bigger ones, though). I chopped it up to put in a quesadilla. I put a fair sized bit in my mouth & chewed it up & it had my mouth on fire for several minutes! I'd say it was easily as hot as a regular orange hab.

Edit: OK, that was weird. I was just eating the leftover pepper bits one by one. It seemed that some bits were hotter than others. The quesadilla I had w/ just that pepper as a heat source wasn't very hot, though. But man, that first bit I chewed up was wicked. I'll have to do some more experimenting w/ these peppers!

Alcohol induced delusions of heat maybe? Seriously though, I have noticed that some parts of my peppers are hotter than others. Dunno why, but sometimes I get a really hot part. Other times I have a mild part.
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but I was Googling 'Hotties' and I found my way back home !! (I was looking for peppers, honest)

Anyway, I too picked up several plants from a local nursery labeled 'Hotties', and described as 'blistering hot'.

Here's a pic -

The problem is, Impy described them as larger than a Hab, 2-3 inches, but these all seem to be consistently smaller, or perhaps around the same size with some of the bigger ones.

I've been looking for more info using Google but seem to find a lot of contradicting stuff. But what is noteworthy is the HEAT.
Thinking they were on par with Habs, I split one down the middle and ate one half and within 30 seconds I was behind a tree throwing up!! NEVER had a reaction like that before. Granted, I don't eat many fresh peppers hotter than a Hab, they're just not available where I live. Justaguy sent me some red fatalii, which he thinks may be a savina/hab cross, I could eat those without any issue. And of course I use the hot sauces, many of which get up to the 300-500,000 SHU level, but this little thing kicked the stuffing out of me.

Anyway, if anyone has a bit more info they'd be willing to share, I'm all ears.


They look enormous to me... Are you saying your normal habs get that big? Or are you just saying that the hotties are not quite as big as the earlier description?

Sorry no info from me, just caught my curiosity. Impy's still around, maybe she's learned more about it over the past couple years.
They look enormous to me... Are you saying your normal habs get that big? Or are you just saying that the hotties are not quite as big as the earlier description?

Sorry no info from me, just caught my curiosity. Impy's still around, maybe she's learned more about it over the past couple years.

The store bought habs I pickup in the off season are quite small, about the same size as these 'Hotties'. Someone had mentioned in a post that these Hotties grow quite large....I'm not really seeing that so I'm wondering if the term 'Hottie' is perhaps just used as a generic term from the many hybrid Habs around that are too numerous to give an official name to!

Here's a better pic with some perspective on scale


Some of them are real tiny, but pack a serious heat wallop...
i found the hottie this year in a local large garden centre, there were plenty of plants this year but i didn't buy the plant as they just appeared to be a large orange habanero and i have no more. so, when i got home from the garden centre was to look on g6csy and found a description of the plant. next, i didn't a hot pepper forum search and of course doing a search on "hottie", on a pepper forum brought back scores of hits, this one included. i don't feel bad about not buying the plant.

i think mexico must be having a great growing season as many stores here are fully stocked up on fresh orange hab pods and very large in size.
Impy's Hottie plant from 2009 looks absolutely amazing. the pods are HUGE! great score.

Yes they do look huge, or Impy has very dainty hands :) (notice I said dainty and not small.....I learned this new technique after calling my sister-in-law short!)

There's no way my little 'Hotties' can be the same type of pepper as those huge things.