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The Irony

Some of you may know that I have been in the job market for quite a while now. Some of you may also know that I am the survivor of a brain aneurysm that occurred January 21st, 2006.

Today, I received a phone call from an inquiring employer who had seen my resume on CareerBuilder. I not only received an email but around 3:00pm today received an automated message from the same party. So I got back into my email to look over what had been sent me.

The call and email came from a division of the Transworld company. Transworld is the mother company of a conglomerate of bill and debt collectors. Out of curiosity I called the number listed and listened patiently whilst "Bryan" did his best to sell me this amazing career opportunity. He'd mentioned how I would have the ability to open my own franchise and that I stood a chance of seeing upwards of $4000 a month plus income in a rewarding career in debt collection.

Okay. So, knowing EXACTLY who Transworld is and what they do I felt compelled to tell Bryan a little bit about myself.

I'd informed him of my name and then thanked him for contacting me. I then proceeded to tell him my story. How in 2006, at a time when I'd had a stellar credit rating and was gainfully employed had had a headache for 3 days straight. I also informed him of how once hospitalized it was determined than a 9mm lesion had burst on the left temporal lobe of my brain and that I'd spent the next 6 months sensitive to light, sound, smell and taste as a result of the burst that I'd endured.

I then explained that my bills had accumulated whilst I was undergoing medical testing and treatment. How after 6 months many of my bills had snowballed beyond recovery and had gone into collection. I also informed him of how a division of Transworld debt collection had routinely called, mailed and harassed me whilst undergoing medical treatment despite my having faxed and mailed my disability documentation, payments(income), medical testing records and how Transworld pursued my case relentlessly without end.

Knowing that my resume reflects the dates of my unemployment I asked Bryan how he planned on convincing me that I wanted a career in the likewise harassment of others like myself(as opposed to those who just ditch their bills). I asked how his company differentiates legitimate medical cases from those abandoning their payments for other reasons.

Truth is folks... they don't stop no matter what. They do not stop harassment even if you're on your death bed.

Sleep tight, Bryan. Enjoy your career. Enjoy your $4000 a month, buddy. You have my blessing and you can kiss my tall Irish ass.
crazyyyy,,,ive had dreams for 20 years that i walk out of a factory and drop dead of a brain aneursym.........true story!!!!!

not making light of your situation,im being serious.....glad to see you allright. and bryan and his company suck!
Grapes of Wrath
John Steinbeck

Chapter 5

"Why, you're Joe Davis's boy'!"
"Sure," the driver said.
"Well, what you doing this kind of work for—against your own people?"
"Three dollars a day. I got damn sick of creeping for my dinner—and not getting it. I got
a wife and kids. We got to eat. Three dollars a day, and it comes every day."
"That's right," the tenant said. "But for your three dollars a day fifteen or twenty families
can't eat at all. Nearly a hundred people have to go out and wander on the roads for
your three dollars a day. Is that right?"
And the driver said, "Can’t think of that. Got to think of my own kids. Three dollars a day,
and it comes every day. Times are changing, mister, don't you know? Can't make a
living on the land unless you've got two, five, ten thousand acres and a tractor. Crop
land isn't for little guys like us any more. You don't kick up a howl because you can't
make Fords, or because you're not the telephone company. Well, crops are like that
now. Nothing to do about it. You try to get three dollars a day someplace. That's the
only way."
The tenant pondered. "Funny thing how it is. If a man owns a little property, that
property is him, it's part of him, and it's like him. If he owns property only so he can walk
on it and handle it and be sad when it isn't doing well, and feel fine when the rain falls
on it, that property is him, and some way he's bigger because he owns it. Even if he isn't
successful he’s big with his property. That is so.”
And the tenant pondered more. “But let a man get property he doesn’t see, or can’t take
time to get his fingers in, or can’t be there to walk on it—why, then the property is the
man. He can't do what he wants, he can't think what he wants. The property is the man,
stronger than he is. And he is small, not big. Only his possessions are big—and he's the
servant of his property. That is so, too."
The driver munched the branded pie and threw the crust away. "Times are changed,
don't you know? Thinking about stuff like that don't feed the kids. Get your three dollars
a day, feed your kids. You got no call to worry about anybody's kids but your own. You
get a reputation for talking like that, and you'll never get three dollars a day. Big shots
won't give you three dollars a day if you worry about anything but your three dollars a
"Nearly a hundred people on the road for your three dollars. Where will we go?"
"And that reminds me," the driver said, "you better get out soon. I'm going through the
dooryard' after dinner."
wow. That is something else - and sadly not the 1st story I've heard like this.

The fact is that debt collectors often sell their debt to other collection agencies. So while you were diligently faxing them your medical records, some jackass at some other jackass debt collection company was performing their brand of jackassery on you, without the slightest clue because the left hand doesn't talk to the right hand. And of course, they represent themselves as an agent for the larger company so it gives them more clout in their attempt to collect the debt.

It's a pretty crappy situation - but kudos to you for having the balls to not pursue that career based on your personal moral compass...that is something severely lacking in today's society. People whore themselves out every day not giving two craps about what impact their job has on others, the environment, the poor, the disinfranchised - it takes a big man to say, "nah, I'd rather keep looking for work than work for a douchebag company like yours."

So well done, and I'm sure the karma you're building will come back around in the form of a better position soon enough. :cheers: