• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

The Mega 2016 grow

Ok folks, I'm making my own soil and heres what I got
#1. 4.4cu ft of Peat Moss
#2. 2cu ft top soil
#3. 1cu ft mushroom compost
#4. .75 cu ft steer manure composted
#5. 1 cu ft chicken manure
#6. 1 large bag of perlite
#7. 2 small bags of vermiculite
#8. 1 small bag of dolimite lime
#9. Fetilome HydroStretch Soil amendment for less watering.

This is my first time creating my own soil and I need thoughts on the mix I will be creating. Also I need to know how much of each to add in to make a large batch? Thanks for your input and your time! Happy 4th weekend everybody! ☺☝
I just caught up on your glog. Everything looks good and those are some interesting crosses. I like your soil mix and did something similar. I am pretty pleased with the results.


I utilized both of those last year and both were very good.
Looks good. I feel like a mad scientist, when I brew. A little of this, a pinch of that and stir it counter clockwise and it's alive! LoL

Nice pump. I have the same one. I have a valve, so I can do a couple of buckets at a time.

Teas are great. I love compost tea, so does my plants.
OCD Chilehead said:
Looks good. I feel like a mad scientist, when I brew. A little of this, a pinch of that and stir it counter clockwise and it's alive! LoL
Nice pump. I have the same one. I have a valve, so I can do a couple of buckets at a time.
Teas are great. I love compost tea, so does my plants.
Thank you mu friend! I'm just going to brew a large bucket. I dunno... maybe a 10 gal bucket worth. Yup, I havent done it yet but if you think about it, its like you're a chef and your making a delicious "Soup if the day" for the plants and they are going to chow it down and love it! Haha. Sounds like you have a nice set up going there! Cheers
Urfa Bieber is starting to fruit! I hear this one has a great flavor to it.

Aleppo is producing, Ive never tried this one either, so you could say I'm excited haha

This one I'm the most excited about! It's the Purple Ufo. ☺
I know the pods will be cool and I hope the flavor will be too
Very nice plants!
And you reminded me to make some tea! I usually go into the pasture and grab a cowpie, throw it in a bucket, add some molasses, water, and set the compressor regulator to a trickle.
The hard part is remembering to do this in the morning..LOL
Devv said:
Very nice plants!
And you reminded me to make some tea! I usually go into the pasture and grab a cowpie, throw it in a bucket, add some molasses, water, and set the compressor regulator to a trickle.
The hard part is remembering to do this in the morning..LOL
Haha right on my friend! Yeah, Im stoked to try the tea as Ive heard nothing but good things about it! This yr I'm pretty much doing everything I've always wanted to try ie. making my own soil, making teas, growing hydro or dwc. Thanks for checkin out my glog!
megahot said:
The mix looks great. Almost identical to mine. The mix is a good wicking mix. Great for bottom watering

I just add some Garden-Tone when I transplant. It has a good balanced mix of nutes. This year I mixed up a batch of Garden-Tone, Iron-Tone, and Bonemeal in a 5 gallon bucket for transplanting.
OCD Chilehead said:
The mix looks great. Almost identical to mine. The mix is a good wicking mix. Great for bottom watering
I just add some Garden-Tone when I transplant. It has a good balanced mix of nutes. This year I mixed up a batch of Garden-Tone, Iron-Tone, and Bonemeal in a 5 gallon bucket for transplanting.
Thank you my friend, that sounds interesting, I'll look into that. It sounds like it would be a good additive.
I'm thinking of using something like this for my for my tea brew, as well as some molasses. The worm tea is quite old lol like 3 yrs old probably but its always had the lid on it. Maybe Ill just scratch using it and toss it. There will be a decent amount of N anyhow. Thoughts?
megahot said:
I'm thinking of using something like this for my for my tea brew, as well as some molasses. The worm tea is quite old lol like 3 yrs old probably but its always had the lid on it. Maybe Ill just scratch using it and toss it. There will be a decent amount of N anyhow. Thoughts?
I've used the Alaska stuff before. It's good stuff. I like the lower numbers. I'm always afraid burning the plants with a lot of the other stuff. Others might have better advice on the Grow More stuff. The only liquid fert used a lot of was the floranova grow.

I just use the granular and a compost tea. Compost, earthworm castings, and Myco.
OCD Chilehead said:
I've used the Alaska stuff before. It's good stuff. I like the lower numbers. I'm always afraid burning the plants with a lot of the other stuff. Others might have better advice on the Grow More stuff. The only liquid fert used a lot of was the floranova grow.
I just use the granular and a compost tea. Compost, earthworm castings, and Myco.
Sounds good! Ive used the Hawaiin bud last yr and had lots of flowers on my plants but unfortunately it was to late in the yr and all the pods were tiny. Since I just potted up most of the plants into my rich soil, Ill wait to add the Hawaiin bud to the mix. Its good stuff though, just gotta use it sparingly
OCD Chilehead said:
Plants looking good. Won't be long and those side shoots will start reaching. Bishop is a cool looking pepper.
Nice to know the Hawaiin stuff works.
Thanks, yeah I agree with that statement. Its usually the first growth I notice.